来源:《Behavioural Brain Research》 作者:Gabriel D.Bossé等 时间:2017-08-28






University of Utah Health 化学生物学家兼这项研究合着者 Randall Peterson 表示,斑马鱼和人类基因有着 80% 以上的高度同源。它们也具有相同的阿片受体和多巴胺等神经递质,我们知道多巴胺在人类药物成瘾中起作用。“它们在很多方面与我们相似。”Peterson 称,斑马鱼也非常常见。一条雌鱼每天可以产下约 200 个鱼卵。这使得研究人员可以轻松研究数千条斑马鱼,发现重要的遗传突变并测试新药。

Peterson 和博士后研究员 Gabriel Bossé尝试寻找一种来使斑马鱼“主动”服用药物的方法。他们创建了一个由塑料罐和两个水下平台组成的自动化系统,一个是白色的,一个是黄色的。当鱼在白色平台上游泳时,什么都不会发生。但是当他们游过黄色平台的时候,一小批阿片类药物氢可酮被释放在水中。(水箱中的水被不断地冲出并重新装满,所以鱼不得不继续触发系统以接受剂量。)

研究人员让这些斑马鱼每天在水箱中游泳五十分钟,持续五天。研究人员发现,第一天时这些鱼在两个平台上游泳的时间相差无几。但到了第五天,它们基本上忽视了白色平台,而是聚集在黄色平台,以获得一定剂量的阿片类药物。在第一周给药后,斑马鱼甚至愿意将自己置于危险中,在浅水区游泳,以便获得药物。(Peterson 表示, 斑马鱼通常很少出现在浅水区,可能是因为这样可以避免成为鸟类和其他捕食者的目标。)

Peterson 已经在斑马鱼上测试现有的治疗药物,看看是否有任何药物可以中断或减少这种行为。科学家也可以进行基因测试,看看它们是否能够影响斑马鱼寻求药物的突变。Peterson 表示,这些相同的突变也可以在人们身上发挥作用,可以研发抑制这些突变的药物以治疗成瘾。另外由于斑马鱼脑部透明、结构简单,其也成为研究人员探究神经系统功能机制的理想动物模型。(来源:生物360


Development of an opioid self-administration assay to study drug seeking in zebrafish


The zebrafish (Danio rerio) has become an excellent tool to study mental health disorders, due to its physiological and genetic similarity to humans, ease of genetic manipulation, and feasibility of small molecule screening. Zebrafish have been shown to exhibit characteristics of addiction to drugs of abuse in non-contingent assays, including conditioned place preference, but contingent assays have been limited to a single assay for alcohol consumption. Using inexpensive electronic, mechanical, and optical components, we developed an automated opioid self-administration assay for zebrafish, enabling us to measure drug seeking and gain insight into the underlying biological pathways. Zebrafish trained in the assay for five days exhibited robust self-administration, which was dependent on the function of the μ-opioid receptor. In addition, a progressive ratio protocol was used to test conditioned animals for motivation. Furthermore, conditioned fish continued to seek the drug despite an adverse consequence and showed signs of stress and anxiety upon withdrawal of the drug. Finally, we validated our assay by confirming that self-administration in zebrafish is dependent on several of the same molecular pathways as other animal models. Given the ease and throughput of this assay, it will enable identification of important biological pathways regulating drug seeking and could lead to the development of new therapeutic molecules to treat addiction.




