来源:《Scientific Reports》
为了解决这些营养不良问题,在许多年前由Ingo Potrykus领导的一支苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH)研究团队开发了一种被称为“黄金稻米”的大米。这是第一批转基因水稻品种之一,研究人员让水稻在胚乳中生产维生素A的前体,β胡萝卜素。后来,改进版黄金稻米被几个国家(主要是南洋国家)用于育种计划。
为了解决其他微量营养素的不足, ETH植物生物技术实验室的Wilhelm Gruissem教授和其他国家团队也都在发展水稻改良项目,包括提升大米和小麦铁元素含量等。
如今,ETH植物生物技术实验室高级研究员Navreet Bhullar的团队终于实现了这一梦想,他们最近在《Scientific Reports》杂志上报告第一株多营养水稻构建成功。
Bhullar和她的博士生Simrat Pal Singh为水稻同时添加了充足的铁和锌,这种基因工程水稻胚乳中的β胡萝卜素也显著高于普通水稻。“我们的结果证明,将几种必须微量营养素集中于一株水稻的想法是可以实现的,”Bhullar解释道。
这种水稻仍处于开发试验阶段。目前为止,为了对其进行微量元素分析,它们仅生长在温室环境。“我们计划进一步完善这些水稻品种,”Bhullar说。“下一步计划将开展限制性田间(confined fields)试验,以确定植株的营养性状和农艺性状在不同条件下的稳定程度。”
Bhullar希望新水稻品系的田间试验将在明年进行。她现在还无法确定具体的农田(farmer's fields)试验时机,“预计5年内,这些富含多种微量补充营养素的稻米将可被用于改善营养不良。”(来源:生物通)
Single genetic locus improvement of iron, zinc and β-carotene content in rice grains
Abstract Nearly half of the world's population obtains its daily calories from rice grains, which lack or have insufficient levels of essential micronutrients. The deficiency of micronutrients vital for normal growth is a global health problem, and iron, zinc and vitamin A deficiencies are the most prevalent ones. We developed rice lines expressing Arabidopsis NICOTIANAMINE SYNTHASE 1 (AtNAS1), bean FERRITIN (PvFERRITIN), bacterial CAROTENE DESATURASE (CRTI) and maize PHYTOENE SYNTHASE (ZmPSY) in a single genetic locus in order to increase iron, zinc and β-carotene content in the rice endosperm. NAS catalyzes the synthesis of nicotianamine (NA), which is a precursor of deoxymugeneic acid (DMA) iron and zinc chelators, and also chelate iron and zinc for long distance transport. FERRITIN provides efficient storage of up to 4500 iron ions. PSY catalyzes the conversion of GGDP to phytoene, and CRTI performs the function of desaturases required for the synthesis of β-carotene from phytoene. All transgenic rice lines have significantly increased β-carotene, iron, and zinc content in the polished rice grains. Our results establish a proof-of-concept for multi-nutrient enrichment of rice grains from a single genetic locus, thus offering a sustainable and effective approach to address different micronutrient deficiencies at once.