来源:《Science Translational Medicine》
作者:Jungsun Kim等
上周,《科学转化医学》杂志上刊登了宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院的Kenneth Zaret教授(研究通讯作者)和梅奥诊所的Gloria Petersen博士的研究成果,他们发现了一个新的与PDAC有关的标志物蛋白,与过去已知的一个标志物蛋白结合使用,检测的特异性高达98%,灵敏度也能达到87%!帮助医生区分健康人和PDAC的早、晚期阶段。
然而这三名“候选人”中只有THBS2脱颖而出。在确定了THBS2有可能成为新的PDAC标志物后,研究人员随即在两组患者中进行了验证实验。在第一组(phase 2a)的189名患者中,研究人员将THBS2与传统使用的标志物CA19-9做了对比,他们发现,在不分期的PDAC和早期PDAC的诊断中,THBS2的AUC值分别为0.842和0.832,而CA19-9为0.846和0.845,这样来看,似乎CA19-9还略胜一筹?
这样来看,CA19-9和THBS2联合使用似乎是最好的选择,于是第二组验证实验(phase 2b)开始了。这组试验增加了样本数量,共包括539名患者,在这一组中,CA19-9和THBS2联合使用的AUC值与第一组相似,也达到了0.97和0.96。这个检测方法的敏感度达到87%,特异性超过了98%!无论是早期还是中晚期,新方法检测的AUC值都超过了0.95。
而且,研究人员经过比对健康人和不同阶段PDAC患者血液中的THBS2的水平,初步给出建议,判定PDAC的临界值为42 ng/ml。
Detection of early pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma with thrombospondin-2 and CA19-9 blood markers
Abstract Markers are needed to facilitate early detection of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), which is often diagnosed too late for effective therapy. Starting with a PDAC cell reprogramming model that recapitulated the progression of human PDAC, we identified secreted proteins and tested a subset as potential markers of PDAC. We optimized an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using plasma samples from patients with various stages of PDAC, from individuals with benign pancreatic disease, and from healthy controls. A phase 1 discovery study (n = 20), a phase 2a validation study (n = 189), and a second phase 2b validation study (n = 537) revealed that concentrations of plasma thrombospondin-2 (THBS2) discriminated among all stages of PDAC consistently. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) c-statistic was 0.76 in the phase 1 study, 0.84 in the phase 2a study, and 0.87 in the phase 2b study. The plasma concentration of THBS2 was able to discriminate resectable stage I cancer as readily as stage III/IV PDAC tumors. THBS2 plasma concentrations combined with those for CA19-9, a previously identified PDAC marker, yielded a c-statistic of 0.96 in the phase 2a study and 0.97 in the phase 2b study. THBS2 data improved the ability of CA19-9 to distinguish PDAC from pancreatitis. With a specificity of 98%, the combination of THBS2 and CA19-9 yielded a sensitivity of 87% for PDAC in the phase 2b study. A THBS2 and CA19-9 blood marker panel measured with a conventional ELISA may improve the detection of patients at high risk for PDAC.