来源:《Plant Cell》
王涛表示,这种植物抵抗干旱胁迫的方式在黄花苜蓿、截形苜蓿、大豆、拟南芥等植物中存在,是一种普遍现象。它揭示了一条植物应答干旱胁迫的新路径,为植物抗旱育种提供了新思路。(来源:科技日报 张盖伦)
A lipid-anchored NAC transcription factor translocates into nucleus to activate GlyI gene expression involved in drought stress
Abstract The plant-specific NAC (NAM, ATAF½ and CUC2) transcription factors (TFs) play a vital role in response to drought stress. Here, we report a lipid-anchored NACsa TF in Medicago falcata. MfNACsa is an essential regulator of plant tolerance to drought stress, resulting in the differential expression of genes involved in oxidation-reduction, lipid transport and localization. MfNACsa is associated with membranes under unstressed conditions, and more specifically, it is targeted to the plasma membrane through S-palmitoylation. However, a Cys26 to Ser mutation or inhibition of S-palmitoylation results in MfNACsa retention in the endoplasmic reticulum/Golgi. Under drought stress, MfNACsa translocates to the nucleus through de-S-palmitoylation mediated by the thioesterase MtAPT1, as co-expression of APT1 results in a nuclear translocation of MfNACsa, whereas mutation of the catalytic site of APT1 results in co-localization with and membrane retention of MfNACsa. Specifically, the nuclear MfNACsa binds the glyoxalase I (MtGlyl) promoter under drought stress, resulting in drought tolerance by maintaining the glutathione pool in a reduced state, which are dependent on the APT1-NACsa regulatory module. Our findings reveal a novel mechanism for the nuclear translocation of an S-palmitoylated NAC in response to stress.