来源:《Cell》 作者:Hong Jing Han等 时间:2017-07-11



新加坡国立大学植物学家Xu Jian教授,联合新西伯利亚国立大学的科学家在Cell杂志在线发表文章,报道植物了应对冷胁迫的未知策略,相关研究有利于改善农作物抵抗寒冷环境,提高生长和产量。

为了适应环境温度变化,植物采取不同策略。在温带地区最为明显:寒冷季节,树木树叶变黄脱落,为过冬储存能量。研究表明,温度可诱导植物细胞脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)损伤,并对植物发育和生长产生深远影响。但温度是否影响植物干细胞(plant stem cell)的活力和生长,还不是很清楚。



研究小组针对植物模式生物拟南芥(Arabidopsis)根部干细胞龛(stem cell niche)展开高空间分辨率和时间分辨率调查,研究低温对根系发育和生长影响。

研究小组发现,4℃低温也会导致拟南芥根干细胞及其早期后代细胞DNA损伤。但是,小柱干细胞(columella stem cell)的后代优先死亡,这些细胞死亡使干细胞小生境得以维护。另一方面,抑制DNA损伤能阻止小柱干细胞死亡,却增加了根干细胞龛内其他干细胞因寒冷致死,使植物死亡几率上升。

Hong Jing Han博士是本文第一作者,她详细阐述“牺牲机制能提高根系抵御低温相关应力。当恢复生长最适温度,植物干细胞便加快分裂速度,提高吸收率和植物生存力。”





A Sacrifice-for-Survival Mechanism Protects Root Stem Cell Niche from Chilling Stress


Abstract  Temperature has a profound influence on plant and animal development, but its effects on stem cell behavior and activity remain poorly understood. Here, we characterize the responses of the Arabidopsisroot to chilling (low but above-freezing) temperature. Chilling stress at 4°C leads to DNA damage predominantly in root stem cells and their early descendants. However, only newly generated/differentiating columella stem cell daughters (CSCDs) preferentially die in a programmed manner. Inhibition of the DNA damage response in these CSCDs prevents their death but makes the stem cell niche more vulnerable to chilling stress. Mathematical modeling and experimental validation indicate that CSCD death results in the re-establishment of the auxin maximum in the quiescent center (QC) and the maintenance of functional stem cell niche activity under chilling stress. This mechanism improves the root’s ability to withstand the accompanying environmental stresses and to resume growth when optimal temperatures are restored.




