来源:Scientific Reports
在国家自然科学基金资助下,上海交通大学药学院研究生团队最近在乌头生物碱镇痛作用机制的研究中取得重要突破,首次证明乌头生物碱的镇痛作用通过Gs/cAMP/PKA/p38β/CREB信号转导通路,刺激脊髓小胶质细胞释放强啡肽产生,并可与急性神经毒性相分离。阐明相关研究成果的一系列论文近期在Journal of Pain,Journal of Neuroinflammation,Scientific Reports (www.nature.com/articles/srep45056),Frontiers in Pharmacology和Journal of Ethnopharmacology上发表。
Molecular signaling underlying bulleyaconitine A (BAA)-induced microglial expression of prodynorphin
Abstract Bulleyaconitine (BAA) has been shown to possess antinociceptive activities by stimulation of dynorphin A release from spinal microglia. This study investigated its underlying signal transduction mechanisms. The data showed that (1) BAA treatment induced phosphorylation of CREB (rather than NF-κB) and prodynorphin expression in cultured primary microglia, and antiallodynia in neuropathy, which were totally inhibited by the CREB inhibitor KG-501; (2) BAA upregulated phosphorylation of p38 (but not ERK or JNK), and the p38 inhibitor SB203580 (but not ERK or JNK inhibitor) and p38β gene silencer siRNA/p38β (but not siRNA/p38α) completely blocked BAA-induced p38 phosphorylation and/or prodynorphin expression, and antiallodynia; (3) BAA stimulated cAMP production and PKA phosphorylation, and the adenylate cyclase inhibitor DDA and PKA inhibitor H-89 entirely antagonized BAA-induced prodynorphin expression and antiallodynia; (4) The Gs-protein inhibitor NF449 completely inhibited BAA-increased cAMP level, prodynorphin expression and antiallodynia, whereas the antagonists of noradrenergic, corticotrophin-releasing factor, A1 adenosine, formyl peptide, D1/D2 dopamine, and glucagon like-peptide-1 receptors failed to block BAA-induced antiallodynia. The data indicate that BAA-induced microglial expression of prodynorphin is mediated by activation of the cAMP-PKA-p38β-CREB signaling pathway, suggesting that its possible target is a Gs-protein-coupled receptor – “aconitine receptor”, although the chemical identity is not illustrated.