来源:《自然—通讯》 时间:2017/03/01



1221日,英国Nature Communications杂志发表了中科院南京地理与湖泊所王建军、沈吉等的论文《富营养化程度改变温度与生物多样性之间的关联:来自大空间尺度生态学实验的证据》。“我们首次证明微生物同样具有沿着温度梯度分布的生物区系,与经典的动植物生物区系分布相一致。”王建军表示。



除了上述对微生物生物区系的认识外,王建军课题组还发现,中国研究区域的细菌多样性是挪威区域的2倍左右;向湖泊中输入营养盐,将会降低水体中的微生物多样性,不管是在温度较高的中国,还是温度较低的挪威。“在极端富营养化条件下,温度对细菌物种多样性的影响最强,而在中等温度条件下,富营养化对细菌物种多样性的影响最强。”王建军指出。(来源:科技日报 唐婷)


Nutrient enrichment modifies temperature-biodiversity relationships in large-scale field experiments


Abstract  Climate effects and human impacts, that is, nutrient enrichment, simultaneously drive spatial biodiversity patterns. However, there is little consensus about their independent effects on biodiversity. Here we manipulate nutrient enrichment in aquatic microcosms in subtropical and subarctic regions (China and Norway, respectively) to show clear segregation of bacterial species along temperature gradients, and decreasing alpha and gamma diversity toward higher nutrients. The temperature dependence of species richness is greatest at extreme nutrient levels, whereas the nutrient dependence of species richness is strongest at intermediate temperatures. For species turnover rates, temperature effects are strongest at intermediate and two extreme ends of nutrient gradients in subtropical and subarctic regions, respectively. Species turnover rates caused by nutrients do not increase toward higher temperatures. These findings illustrate direct effects of temperature and nutrients on biodiversity, and indirect effects via primary productivity, thus providing insights into how nutrient enrichment could alter biodiversity under future climate scenarios.



