来源:Cell 时间:2016/12/13




  该研究的通讯作者Stefan Kubicek表示,胰岛素的绝对和相对缺乏以及胰高血糖素信号通路的过度活化是导致糖尿病的两个主要原因。用能够分泌胰岛素的新细胞取代患者体内被破坏的β细胞有望成为治愈型糖尿病一种简单的策略。多年来,为了实现这一点,全球各国的研究人员利用干细胞或成熟细胞尝试了多种方法。值得注意的是,先前有研究表明,当β细胞极度缺失时,α细胞能够补充胰岛素产生细胞。在这一转换过程中,表观遗传调控分子Arx被鉴定为关键分子。然而,科学家们只是在活体模式生物中观察到了这一效果,是否周围细胞(甚至远处器官)的其他因素也发挥了作用完全是未知的。 


  青蒿素的长期作用需要进一步测试。Stefan Kubicek认为:人类α细胞的再生能力还是未知的。此外,新的β细胞必须不受免疫系统的攻击。但我们相信,青蒿素的发现以及它们的作用模型可以为开发Ⅰ型糖尿病的全新疗法奠定基础。(来源:科技日报  李颖) 


  Artemisinins Target GABAA Receptor Signaling and Impair α Cell Identity 


  Abstract  Type 1 diabetes is characterized by the destruction of pancreatic β cells, and generating new insulin-producing cells from other cell types is a major aim of regenerative medicine. One promising approach is transdifferentiation of developmentally related pancreatic cell types, including glucagon-producing α cells. In a genetic model, loss of the master regulatory transcription factor Arx is sufficient to induce the conversion of α cells to functional β-like cells. Here, we identify artemisinins as small molecules that functionally repress Arx by causing its translocation to the cytoplasm. We show that the protein gephyrin is the mammalian target of these antimalarial drugs and that the mechanism of action of these molecules depends on the enhancement of GABAAreceptor signaling. Our results in zebrafish, rodents, and primary human pancreatic islets identify gephyrin as a druggable target for the regeneration of pancreatic β cell mass from α cells. 



