作者:Ralph Bock等
马克斯普朗克分子植物生理学研究所主任博克表示,疟疾是一种危害性极大的热带传染病,每年要夺走约50万人生命。“在可预见的未来,青蒿素仍将成为抗击疟疾的主要和最有力武器。由于从青蒿植物获取的青蒿素量少,价格昂贵,因此很难满足贫穷国家用药。利用烟草提取青蒿素,可以低成本大批量生产抗疟疾药,满足发展中国家的患者需求。”(来源:科技日报 顾钢)
A new synthetic biology approach allows transfer of an entire metabolic pathway from a medicinal plant to a biomass crop
Abstract Artemisinin-based therapies are the only effective treatment for malaria, the most devastating disease in human history. To meet the growing demand for artemisinin and make it accessible to the poorest, an inexpensive and rapidly scalable production platform is urgently needed. Here we have developed a new synthetic biology approach, combinatorial supertransformation of transplastomic recipient lines (COSTREL), and applied it to introduce the complete pathway for artemisinic acid, the precursor of artemisinin, into the high-biomass crop tobacco. We first introduced the core pathway of artemisinic acid biosynthesis into the chloroplast genome. The transplastomic plants were then combinatorially supertransformed with cassettes for all additional enzymes known to affect flux through the artemisinin pathway. By screening large populations of COSTREL lines, we isolated plants that produce more than 120 milligram artemisinic acid per kilogram biomass. Our work provides an efficient strategy for engineering complex biochemical pathways into plants and optimizing the metabolic output.