来源:《自然》 时间:2016/03/04




  有评论认为,该研究是植物生殖领域的重大突破,并通过基因工程手段建立了利用生殖关键基因打破生殖隔离的方法,为克服杂交育种中杂交不亲和性提供重要的理论依据。科学家介绍,一直以来,杂交育种都是人类提高农作物产量和品质的主要技术。杂交障碍的主要原因之一就是雌雄配子体的有效识别。这一发现不仅揭示了植物生殖的奥秘,更为杂交育种开辟了新天地。(来源:光明日报 齐芳) 


  A receptor heteromer mediates the male perception of female attractants in plants 


  Abstract  Sexual reproduction requires recognition between the male and female gametes. In flowering plants, the immobile sperms are delivered to the ovule-enclosed female gametophyte by guided pollen tube growth. Although the female gametophyte-secreted peptides have been identified to be the chemotactic attractant to the pollen tube1, 2, 3, the male receptor(s) is still unknown. Here we identify a cell-surface receptor heteromer, MDIS1–MIK, on the pollen tube that perceives female attractant LURE1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. MDIS1, MIK1 and MIK2 are plasma-membrane-localized receptor-like kinases with extracellular leucine-rich repeats and an intracellular kinase domain. LURE1 specifically binds the extracellular domains of MDIS1, MIK1 and MIK2, whereas mdis1 and mik1 mik2 mutant pollen tubes respond less sensitively to LURE1. Furthermore, LURE1 triggers dimerization of the receptors and activates the kinase activity of MIK1. Importantly, transformation of AtMDIS1 to the sister species Capsella rubella can partially break down the reproductive isolation barrier. Our findings reveal a new mechanism of the male perception of the female attracting signals. 

