作者:Madhesan Balakrishnan等
美国加州大学伯克利分校Alexis T. Bell教授领导的研究小组近日成功开发出以植物为原料生产航空燃料的技术。他们首先将甘蔗中的蔗糖和半纤维素转化为酮类化合物,再通过一系列缩合、脱氧等反应将这些化合物转化为烷烃。整个反应过程使用廉价且可回收的催化剂,并且产率极高。这些化合物的性能与目前使用的航空燃料接近,能量密度甚至高于现有的航空燃料。利用类似的方法,他们还成功以甘蔗为原料生产出一系列高性能润滑油。分析表明,如果用这种来自甘蔗的航空燃料代替传统的航空燃料,温室气体排放量可以降低近80%。(来源:科学公园)
Novel pathways for fuels and lubricants from biomass optimized using life-cycle greenhouse gas assessment
Abstract Decarbonizing the transportation sector is critical to achieving global climate change mitigation. Although biofuels will play an important role in conventional gasoline and diesel applications, bioderived solutions are particularly important in jet fuels and lubricants, for which no other viable renewable alternatives exist. Producing compounds for jet fuel and lubricant base oil applications often requires upgrading fermentation products, such as alcohols and ketones, to reach the appropriate molecular-weight range. Ketones possess both electrophilic and nucleophilic functionality, which allows them to be used as building blocks similar to alkenes and aromatics in a petroleum refining complex. Here, we develop a method for selectively upgrading biomass-derived alkyl methyl ketones with >95% yields into trimer condensates, which can then be hydrodeoxygenated in near-quantitative yields to give a new class of cycloalkane compounds. The basic chemistry developed here can be tailored for aviation fuels as well as lubricants by changing the production strategy. We also demonstrate that a sugarcane biorefinery could use natural synergies between various routes to produce a mixture of lubricant base oils and jet fuels that achieve net life-cycle greenhouse gas savings of up to 80%.