来源:Science Translational Medicine 作者:Jonathan D. Herman等 时间:2015-06-02


据一项新的研究显示一种古老的治疗疟疾的中药科学名称为常山碱是通过破坏疟原虫的与蛋白结合的系统而发挥作用的。由科研人员根据常山碱设计的一种化合物被证明是有效的,且它对治疗小鼠的疟原虫感染比传统草药要安全得多;这为开创一类治疗该蚊媒疾病的新药提供了一个起点。常山碱被用来治疗疟疾已有2000多年的历史,它是从一种蓝色常青绣球属植物根中提取的一种有效的中药成分。它虽然是一种强力的抗疟药物,但因为这种药物的毒性而妨碍了其在临床上的应用。尽管研究人员已经研发了几种合成的基于常山碱的化合物,但科学家们仍然不知道其作用原理,也不知道如何使其变得对患者更为安全。为了确定常山碱的分子标靶,Jonathan Herman和同事对两株对常山碱有着高度耐药性的疟原虫的基因组序列进行了分析。这两株疟原虫唯一的共有变异出现在对一种被称作细胞质脯氨酰tRNA合成酶编码的基因中。该酶对细胞蛋白翻译过程是至关重要的,且它也是其它致病微生物的一个常见的药物标靶。当科研人员用遗传工程使酵母菌表达疟原虫的脯氨酰tRNA合成酶时,该酵母菌就会变得对常山碱衍生的化合物敏感,使得该酵母菌的生长被遏制。研究人员还开发了一个名为halofuginol的相关化合物,并在一个小鼠的疟疾模型中对它进行了测试。这种新的化合物可减少疟原虫生命周期的两个阶段(血液期和肝期)中的疟原虫感染。治疗过的小鼠没有显示出严重的副作用,表明halofuginol毒性可能比常山碱小。这些结果表明,这种新的化合物或可为人们提供一种更安全且强效的抗疟药物。(来源:生物360)


The cytoplasmic prolyl-tRNA synthetase of the malaria parasite is a dual-stage target of febrifugine and its analogs

 Abstract  The emergence of drug resistance is a major limitation of current
antimalarials. The discovery of new druggable targets and pathways including those that are critical for multiple life cycle stages of the malariaparasite is a major goal for developing next-generation antimalarial drugs. Using an integrated chemogenomics approach that combined drug resistance selection, whole-genome sequencing, and an orthogonal yeast model, we demonstrate that the cytoplasmic prolyl–tRNA (transfer RNA) synthetase(PfcPRS) of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum is a biochemical and functional target offebrifugine and its synthetic derivative halofuginone. Febrifugine is the active principle of a traditional Chinese herbal remedy for malaria. We show that treatment with febrifugine derivatives activated the aminoacid starvation response in both P. falciparum and a transgenic yeast strain expressing PfcPRS. We further demonstrate in the Plasmodium berghei mouse model of malaria that halofuginol, a new halofuginone analog that we developed,is active against both liver and asexual blood stages of the malaria parasite. Halofuginol, unlike halofuginone and febrifugine, is well tolerated at efficacious doses and represents a promising lead for the development of dual-stage next-generation  antimalarials.



