来源:《自然—地球科学》 作者:William Wieder 时间:2015-05-18








因此美国科罗拉多州博尔德市国家大气研究中心生物地球化学家William Wieder和同事,着眼于分析在不同的模型中对于新植物的生长所进行的预测,并且估算了满足这些预测将需要耗费多少氮和磷。研究人员还研究了在天然来源中有多少额外的氮和磷是实际可用的。结果他们发现,如果不相应地校正模型,将没有足够的氮和磷能够满足预测。

研究人员在420日的Nature Geoscience杂志网络版上报告说,与IPCC的数据相比,考虑了氮和磷后的年度全球碳储存平均预测值减少了25%。到2100年,这样一种戏剧性的减少将使土地从吸收碳变为泵出碳——随着土壤微生物的呼吸作用(它们会释放出二氧化碳气体),全球温度将变得更高。这意味着随着土地开始放大人类活动导致的气候变暖而非减缓这种趋势,地球将变得更热。


加利福尼亚州帕洛阿尔托市卡内基研究所生态学家Chris Field表示,这篇论文是“扎实的、令人兴奋的研究”。他强调,不同的模型可能着眼于能够对未来植物生长造成影响的不同因素。

佛洛斯特堡马里兰大学环境科学中心生物地球化学家Eric Davidson认为,研究人员需要进行更多的野外研究,从而搞清营养物质状况如何影响森林的生长。Davidson说:“这是很难做的,同时也是很昂贵的,但这是我们能够为这些模型获得更好参数的唯一方法。”(来源:中国科学报 赵熙熙)


Future productivity and carbon storage limited by terrestrial nutrient availability


Abstract  The size of the terrestrial sink remains uncertain. This uncertainty presents a challenge for projecting future climate–carbon cycle feedbacks. Terrestrial carbon storage is dependent on the availability of nitrogen for plant growth, and nitrogen limitation is increasingly included in global models. Widespread phosphorus limitation in terrestrial ecosystems may also strongly regulate the global carbon cycle, but explicit considerations of phosphorus limitation in global models are uncommon16. Here we use global state-of-the-art coupled carbon–climate model projections of terrestrial net primary productivity and carbon storage from 1860–2100; estimates of annual new nutrient inputs from deposition, nitrogen fixation, and weathering; and estimates of carbon allocation and stoichiometry to evaluate how simulated CO2 fertilization effects could be constrained by nutrient availability. We find that the nutrients required for the projected increases in net primary productivity greatly exceed estimated nutrient supply rates, suggesting that projected productivity increases may be unrealistically high. Accounting for nitrogen and nitrogen–phosphorus limitation lowers projected end-of-century estimates of net primary productivity by 19% and 25%, respectively, and turns the land surface into a net source of CO2 by 2100. We conclude that potential effects of nutrient limitation must be considered in estimates of the terrestrial carbon sink strength through the twenty-first century.




