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发表日期: 2016-08-15 作者: 康振生等 文章来源:Phytopathology
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此次撰写的文章在详细介绍上述成果的同时,还展望了转主寄主与锈菌遗传、锈病防控研究的前景,并提出了下一步研究的重点方向。(来源:中国科学报 李晓春 张行勇)


Role of Alternate Hosts in Epidemiology and Pathogen Variation of Cereal Rusts


Abstract  Cereal rusts, caused by obligate and biotrophic fungi in the genus Puccinia, are important diseases that threaten world food security. With the recent discovery of alternate hosts for the stripe rust fungus (Puccinia striiformis), all cereal rust fungi are now known to be heteroecious, requiring two distinct plant species serving as primary or alternate hosts to complete their sexual life cycle. The roles of the alternate hosts in disease epidemiology and pathogen variation vary greatly from species to species and from region to region because of different climatic and cropping conditions. We focus this review on rust fungi of small grains, mainly stripe rust, stem rust, leaf rust, and crown rust of wheat, barley, oat, rye, and triticale, with emphases on the contributions of alternate hosts to the development and management of rust diseases.



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