- 李俏
- 电子邮件:liqiao@cib.ac.cn
- 学 历:博士
- 通讯地址:四川省成都市天府新区群贤南街23号
- 邮 编:610213
李俏,2015年毕业于中国科学院成都生物研究所,获植物学博士学位,同年留任农业中心任助理研究员,并入选中国科学院西部之光人才计划;2024年4月任青年副研究员。主要从事麦类作物品质形成机制解析和加工应用研究,基于QTL、多组学、基因功能分析等方法探究青稞、小麦的淀粉、葡聚糖含量等品质差异的机理,研究青稞的加工特性并进行青稞产品的开发。主持和参与国家自然科学基金项目、国家科技部项目、国家星火计划项目等15项,相关成果已获国家发明专利1件,在SCI一区TOP期刊《Carbohydrate Polymers》、《Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry》等刊物上发表文章32篇,获省部级奖励1项。
2.国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,Waxy及ASR2基因在青稞 -葡聚糖合成中的功能研究, 2023-2025,主持
3.四川省自然科学基金青年基金项目,ASR1基因在青稞 -葡聚糖合成中互作基因的鉴定及对植物激素的应答研究,2024-2025,主持
4.国家重点实验室开放项目,青稞HvCslF6基因转录因子的鉴定及其对 -葡聚糖含量的影响,2021-2022,主持
5.中国科学院西部青年学者项目,青稞 -葡聚糖合成关键基因CSLF6的研究及分子标记开发,2015-2018,主持
1. Li Qiao (共同一作), Liu Juan, Zhai Huisheng, Zhang Zhihui, Xie Rong, Xiao Futong, Zeng Xingquan, Zhang Yuhong, Li Zhongyi, Pan Zhifen*. Extraction and characterization of waxy and normal barley -glucans and their effects on waxy and normal barley starch pasting and degradation properties and mash filtration rate, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2023, 302: 120405. (SCI一区TOP, IF=11.2)
2. Li Qiao, Pan Zhifen*, Gao Yuan, Li Tao, Liang Junjun, Zhang Zijin, Zhang Haili, Deng Guangbing, Long Hai, Yu Maoqun. Quantitative trait locus (QTLs) mapping for quality traits of wheat based on high density genetic map combined with bulked segregant analysis RNA-seq (BSR-Seq) indicates that the Basic 7S Globulin gene is related to falling number, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2020, 11: 600788. (SCI二区TOP, IF=6.80)
3. Li Qiao, Pan Zhifen*, Liu Juan, Deng Guangbing, Long Hai, Zhang Haili, Liang Junjun, Zeng Xingquan; Tang Yawei; Tashi Nyima; Yu Maoqun; A mutation in Waxy gene affects amylose content, starch granules and kernel characteristics of barley (Hordeum vulgare), Plant Breeding, 2019, 138(5): 513-523. (SCI三区, IF=2.10)
4. Li Qiao, Pan Zhifen*, Deng Guangbing, Long Hai, Li Zhongyi, Deng Xiaoqing, Liang Junjun, Tang Yawei, Zeng Xingquan, Tashi Nyima, Yu Maoqun*. Effect of wide variation of the Waxy gene on starch properties in hull-less barley from Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2014, 62(47): 11369-11385. (SCI一区TOP, IF=6.30)
5. Liu Juan, Li Qiao, Zhai Huisheng, Zhang Yuhong, Zeng Xingquan, Tang Yawei, Nyima Tashi, Pan Zhifen. Effects of the addition of waxy and normal hull-less barley flours on the farinographand pasting properties of composite flours and on the nutritional value, textural qualities, and in vitro digestibility of resultant breads, Journal of Food Science, 2020, 85(10): 3141-3149. (SCI二区TOP, IF=2.61)