- 杨伟钊
- 电子邮件:yangwz#cib.ac.cn (请将#替换为@)
- 职 称:研究员
- 学 历:博士研究生
- 通讯地址:成都市天府新区群贤南街23号
- 邮 编:610213
2004 – 2008,华中科技大学,生物技术 学士
2008 – 2011,中国科学院大学,动物学 硕士
2011 – 2014,中国科学院大学,动物学 博士
2014 – 2015,中国科学院成都生物研究所,助理研究员
2015 – 2017,Lund University,博士后
2017 – 2021,Lund University,Researcher
随着多组学技术和人工智能分析方法的快速发展,对生物重要复杂性状解析的研究出现了新的范式。动物体色是斑斓多彩自然界的重要一环,也是研究表型多样性和生物视觉感知的理想模型。我们团队的主要研究方向结合扩展演化生物学理论(Extended Evolutionary Synthesis, EES)、形态与光谱分析、单细胞多组学手段、行为和生理实验,深入探索动物体色的演化发育机制和功能,并寄望于为机器视觉发展提供全新的仿生思路。当前主要研究方向包括:
1.Chen Y, Tan S, Xu Q, Fu J, Qi Y, Qiu X, Yang W. 2024. Genomic architecture underlying the striking colour variation in the presence of gene flow for the Guinan toad-headed lizard. Molecular Ecology, 0:e17594.
2.Xiao X, Tan S, He K, Chen Y, Cui L, Zhu B, Qiu X, Qi Y, Yang W. 2024. Pterin-based red coloration predicts the outcome of male-male competition in Guinan toad-headed lizard. Animals, 14:2923.
3.Feiner N, Yang W, Bunikis I, While GM, Uller T. 2024. Adaptive introgression reveals the genetic basis of a sexually selected syndrome in wall lizards. Science Advances, 10:eadk9315.
4.Yang W, Feiner N, Salvi D, et al. 2022. Population genomics of wall lizards reflects the dynamic history of the Mediterranean Basin. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 39(1): msab311.
5.Yang W, Feiner N, Pinho C, et al. 2021. Extensive introgression and mosaic genomes of Mediterranean endemic lizards. Nature Communications, 12: 2762.
6.Yang W, Feiner N, Laakkonen H, et al. 2020. Spatial variation in gene flow across a hybrid zone reveals causes of reproductive isolation and asymmetric introgression in wall lizards. Evolution, 74(7): 1289-1300.
7.Yang W, While GM, Laakkonen H, et al. 2018. Genomic evidence for asymmetric introgression by sexual selection in the common wall lizard. Molecular Ecology, 27(21): 4213-4224.