- 张林
- 电子邮件:zhanglin@cib.ac.cn
- 职 称:副研究员
- 学 历:博士研究生
- 通讯地址:四川省成都市天府新区群贤南街23号
- 邮 编:610213
1.2009年,四川省科技进步二等奖, “川西高山林草交错带植被恢复与草地可持续利用”
1. 第二次青藏高原综合考察子专题:农田肥力和土壤动物功能群科考研究(2019-2024)
2. 国家重点研发计划子课题“重要物种资源在未来不同气候情景下分布区变化趋势模拟预测”(2023-2028)
3. 中国科学院“西部之光”青年学者项目:气候变化下四川省木本植物物种多样性格局、保护优先区和保护空缺研究(2023-2026)
4. 三峡集团科技项目:金沙江乌东德水电站、白鹤滩水电站库区外来植物入侵特征及替代控制技术研究(2022-2026)
5. 国家重点研发子课题:西南生态格局形成的生物学机制(2016-2020年)
6. 四川省科技计划项目重点研发项目:龙泉山城市森林景观美学功能“近自然”提升技术研究(2021-2023)
7. 成都市龙泉山城市森林公园管委会委托项目:龙泉山城市森林公园生态智能监测项目(2023)
8. 宜宾市地方政府委托项目:《宜宾市国家生态文明建设示范市规划》编制(2021-2023)
9. 成都市植物园委托项目:天府芙蓉园生态价值核算及主要景观植物生态效益研究(2021-2022)
10. 国家自然基金青年项目:模拟增温和氮沉降对高山林线交错带灌丛植物―土壤C、N、P生态化学计量关系的影响(2012-2014)
1.Bai X. Y.、, Shoaib N., Pan Z. F., Pan K. W**, Sun X. M, Wu X. G, Zhang L**. Occurrence characteristics and ecological impact of agricultural soil microplastics in the Qinghai Tibetan Plateau, China. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 480: 136413.
2.Zhu R. Y., Azene B., Gruba P,. Pan K. W**, Nigussie Y, Guadie A, Sun X. M, Wu X. G, Zhang L**. Response of carbohydrate-degrading enzymes and microorganisms to land use change in the southeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau , China. Applied soil Ecology , 2024, 200.
3.Dakhil, M. A., Zhang, L, EL-Barougy, R. F., Bedair, H., Hao, Z, Yuan, Z, Feng, Y., Halmy M. W. A. Diversity pattern of Symplocos tree species in China under climate change scenarios: Toward conservation planning. Global ecology and conservation, 2024, 54: e3198.(共同第一)
4.Wu, X.G., Pan, K.W., Zhang, L**., He, X.L, Wang, L.H., Guo, B**. (2024). A Highland Barley Crop Extraction Method Based on Optimized Feature Combination of Multiple Phenological Sentinel-2 Images. Agriculture, 2024,14(9), 1
5.Zhou J, Liu Z. D., Wang S. S., Li J., Zhang L**., Liao Z. Y**. A novel framework unveiling the importance of heterogeneous selection and drift on the community structure of symbiotic microbial indicator taxa across altitudinal gradients in amphibians. Microbiology Spectrum, 2024, 10.1128:04192-23
6.Bai X. Y., Pan K. W**., Shoaib N., Sun X. M., Wu X. G., Zhang L**. Status of phthalate esters pollution in facility agriculture across China: Spatial distribution, risk assessment, and remediation measures. Science of The Total Environment, 2023: 168416.
7.Meta F. J., Pan K. W., Zebene T.,Zhou H. Y., Zhang L**. Cooling has stimulated soil carbon storage in forest ecosystems. Environmental Research, 2023: 118012.
8.Azene B., Zhu R., Pan K**., Sun X., Nigussie Y., Gruba P., Raza A., Guadie A., Wu X., Zhang L**. Land use change alters phosphatase enzyme activity and phosphatase-harboring microbial abundance in the subalpine ecosystem of southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. Ecological Indicators, 2023, 153: 110416.
9.Liao Z. Y., Chen Y. H., Pan K. W., Dakhil M. A., Lin K. X., Tian X. L., Zhang F. Y., Wu X. G., Pandey B., Wang B., Zimmermann N. E., Zhang L**., Nobis M. P. Current climate overrides past climate change in explaining multi-site beta diversity of Lauraceae species in China. Forest Ecosystems, 2022, 9: 100018.
10.Liao Z. Y., Nobis M. P., Xiong Q. L., Tian X. L., Wu X. G., Pan K. W**., Zhang A. P., Wang Y., Zhang L**. Potential distributions of seven sympatric sclerophyllous oak species in Southwest China depend on climatic, non-climatic, and independent spatial drivers. Annals of Forest Science, 2021, 78(1): 1-22.
11.Wang S. Z., Olatunji O. A., Guo C., Zhang L**., Sun X. M., Tariq A., Wu X. G., Pan K. W**., Li Z. L., Sun F., Song D. G. Response of the soil macrofauna abundance and community structure to drought stress under agroforestry system in southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2020, 66(6): 792-804.
12.Liao Z. Y, Zhang L**, Nobis M. P, Wu X. G, Pan K. W**., Wang K. Q., Dakhil M. A., Du M. X., Xiong Q. L., Pandey B., Tian X. L. Climate change jointly with migration ability affect future range shifts of dominant fir species in Southwest China. Diversity and Distributions, 2020, 26(3): 352-367.
13.Xiong Q. L, Halmy M. W. A, Dakhil M. A, Pandey B, Zhang F. Y, Zhang L**, Pan K. W**, Li T., Sun X. M., Wu X. G., Xiao Y. Concealed truth: Modeling reveals unique Quaternary distribution dynamics and refugia of four related endemic keystone Abies taxa on the Tibetan Plateau. Ecology and Evolution, 2019, 9(24): 14295-14316.
14.Xiong Q. L., Pan K. W**, Zhang L**, Wang Y. J., Li W, He X. J. Warming and nitrogen deposition are interactive in shaping surface soil microbial communities near the alpine timberline zone on the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, southwestern China. Applied Soil Ecology. 2016, 101: 72-83.
15.Zhang L, Liu LJ, Pan KW*, Li W, Wang YJ, Deng MR. Post-wildfire soil and plant foliar nutrient ratios and soil fungi:bacterial ratios in alpine meadows on the southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 2015, 24, 933-939.
16.Zhang L, Wu Y, Wu N, Luo P, Hu HY. Impacts of vegetation type on soil phosphorus availability and fractions near the alpine timberline of the Tibetan Plateau. Polish Journal of ecology, 2011 , 59(2): 307-316.
17.王梦溪, 格桑卓玛, 潘志芬, 孙晓铭, 伍小刚, 潘开文*, 王学经, 刘佳林, 金秋雨, 郭子安, 张林*.青藏高原主要农作物生产潜力及其影响因素.应用与环境生物学报,2024,30(06):1133-1141.
18.李旗, 陈云江, 格桑卓玛, 扎西罗布, 甘雅文, 庄达彬, 姚新华, 唐天文, 孙晓铭, 潘开文 张林*.1988-2018年青藏高原农田生态系统碳足迹时空变化及影响因素.应用与环境生物学报,2024,30(06):1263-1274.
19.熊浩荣, 邓鑫欣, 于江, 邓云木, 伍小刚, 张月华, 何秀林, 张培春, 潘开文, 张林**.金沙江下游外来入侵植物入侵风险评估——以乌东德和白鹤滩电站库区为例. 生物安全学报(中英文), 2024, 33(04): 381-392.
20.张月华, 张凤英, 邓鑫欣, 于江, 肖欣怡, 潘开文, 张林**. 农业耕作和外来植物入侵对金沙江下游库区新生消落带土壤养分和酶活性的影响. 环境科学研究, 2024, 37(6): 1315-1325.
21.邓鑫欣, 于江, 熊浩荣, 伍小刚, 张月华, 张培春, 何秀林, 潘开文, 张林**. 金沙江下游乌东德和白鹤滩电站库区外来入侵植物组成和分布. 应用与环境生物学报, 2023, 29 (6): 1305-1317.
22.赵玉林, 陈云江, 冯毅, 扎西罗布, 甘雅文, 虞超, 伍小刚, 潘开文, 张林**. 成都龙泉山不同林龄香樟人工林土壤养分和微生物群落结构. 应用与环境生物学报, 2022, 28(05):1151-1159.
23.唐天文, 冯毅, 伍小刚, 潘开文, 张林**, 张兴华, 虞超, 周泓杨, 张萌. 成都市城市森林冬季大型土壤动物群落特征. 应用与环境生物学报, 2020, 26(5): 1207-1217.
24.张凤英, 廖梓延, 潘开文, 张萌, 赵玉林, 张林**. 西南地区壳斗科物种丰富度和特有性分布格局模拟及其环境解释. 应用生态学报, 2021, 32(7): 2290-2300.
25.张凤英, 冯毅, 廖梓延, 伍小刚, 潘开文, 谭雪, 熊勤犁, 唐天文, 张兴华, 虞超, 张林**.生态因子对川渝地区壳斗科植物物种丰富度的影响. 应用与环境生物学报, 2020, 26(3): 689-696.
26.李玲娟, 熊勤犁, 潘开文**,张林**. 土壤原生动物对川滇高山栎恢复时间的响应及生长季动态. 生物多样性, 2015, 23(6): 793-801.
27.张林, 吴彦, 吴宁**, 孔璐, 刘琳, 胡红宇. 林线附近主要植被类型下土壤非生长季磷素形态. 生态学报, 2010, (13): 3457-3464.
28.张林, 吴宁**, 吴彦, 罗鹏, 刘琳, 陈文年, 胡红宇. 土壤磷素形态及其分级方法研究进展. 应用生态学报, 2009,(07): 1775-1782.
1.西南地区松杉柏科植物地理分布.成都地图出版社. 2021年. 第一副主编
2.世界自然遗产地—九寨与黄龙的生态环境与可持续发展. 科学出版社. 2012年. 参编