- 夏兵
- 职 称:高级工程师
- 学 历:博士研究生
- 通讯地址:成都市高新区科园南路93号
- 邮 编:610041
2012.7-至今 中国科学院成都生物研究所公共实验技术中心,从事色谱质谱联用分析、计算机辅助质谱解析-数据筛查、开源离子源等研究,助理研究员(2012)、高级工程师(2014)。
2007.9-2012.7 中国科学院成都生物研究所天然产物中心,获理学博士学位,药物化学专业。
2003.9-2007.7 东北大学理学院,获理学学士学位,生物工程专业。
现已在国际专业期刊Anal. Chem., Anal. Chem. Acta, J. Comput. Chem., J. Agric. Food Chem., J. Mass Spectrom., Rapid Commun., Mass Spectrom., 等发表SCI学术论文30余篇,申请相关发明专利多项,授权专利4项。
1. Xian Fu, Bing Xia, Baocheng Ji, Shan Lei, and Yan Zhou. 2019. “Flow Controllable Three-Dimensional Paper-Based Microfluidic Analytical Devices Fabricated by 3D Printing Technology.” Analytica Chimica Acta 1065:64-70.
2. Bing Xia, Yuanji Gao, Baocheng Ji, Fengwei Ma, Lisheng Ding, and Yan Zhou. 2018. “Analysis of Compounds Dissolved in Nonpolar Solvents by Electrospray Ionization on Conductive Nanomaterials.” Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry 29(3):573–80.
3. Baocheng Ji, Bing Xia, Xian Fu, Shan Lei, Ye Ye, and Yan Zhou. 2018. “Low-Cost and Convenient Ballpoint Tip-Protected Liquid-Phase Microextraction for Sensitive Analysis of Organic Molecules in Water Samples.” Analytica Chimica Acta 1006:42–48.
4. Xian Fu, Hengxing Liang, Bing Xia, Chunyan Huang, Baocheng Ji, and Yan Zhou. 2017. “Determination of Sulfonamides in Chicken Muscle by Pulsed Direct Current Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 65:8256–63.
5. Bing Xia, Fengwei Ma, Lisheng Ding, and Yan Zhou. 2017. “Intelligent Interpretation of Mass Spectra of Natural Products.” SCIENTIA SINICA Chimica 1272(1997):0–9.
6. Baocheng Ji, Bing Xia, Yuanji Gao, Fengwei Ma, Lisheng Ding, and Yan Zhou. 2016. “Generating Electrospray Ionization on Ballpoint Tips.” Analytical Chemistry 88(10):5072–79.
7. Fengwei Ma, Bing Xia, Shihong Luo, Shenghong Li, and Yan Zhou. 2016. “Analysis of the Lithiated Leucosceptroids from Leucosceptrum Canum to Facilitate Their Identification and Differentiation by Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry.” Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 30:100–110.
8. Fengwei Ma, Siyuan Kong, Hongsheng Tan, Rong Wu, Bing Xia, Yan Zhou, and Hongxi Xu. 2016. “Structural Characterization and Antiviral Effect of a Novel Polysaccharide PSP-2B from Prunellae Spica.” Carbohydrate Polymers 152:699–709.
9. Baocheng Ji, Bing Xia, Jie Liu, Yuanji Gao, Lisheng Ding, and Yan Zhou. 2016. “Application of Fractionized Sampling and Stacking for Construction of an Interface for Online Heart-Cutting Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography.” Journal of Chromatography A 1466:199–204.
10. Shiji Xiao, Dale Guo, Bing Xia, Sarah Allen, Yucheng Gu, Fang Chen, Lisheng Ding, and Yan Zhou. 2016. “Polycyclic Spiro Lignans and Biphenyl Tetrahydrofuranone Lignans from Gymnotheca Involucrata.” Planta Medica 82:723–28.
11. Delan Yang, Bing Xia, Yan Jiang, Wenli Mei, and Dietmar Kuck. 2015. “Fragmentation of Protonated 2-(2-Phenylethyl) Chromones from Agarwood: The Diagnostic Role of Ion/Neutral Complexes as Reactive Intermediates.” European Journal of Mass Spectrometry.
12. Jie Liu, Bing Xia, Baocheng Ji, Jingrong Li, Shiji Xiao, Lisheng Ding, and Yan Zhou. 2015. “Strategy to Rapidly Discriminate Trace Isomeric Lignan Compounds from Gymnotheca Chinensis by Probe Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry.” European Journal of Mass Spectrometry 21(February):37.
13. Yuanji Gao, Bing Xia, Jie Liu, Baocheng Ji, Fengwei Ma, Lisheng Ding, Bangjing Li, and Yan Zhou. 2015. “Development and Characterization of a Nanodendritic Silver-Based Solid-Phase Extraction Sorbent for Selective Enrichment of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals in Water and Milk Samples.” Analytica Chimica Acta.
14. Yuanji Gao, Bing Xia, Jie Liu, Lisheng Ding, Bangjing Li, and Yan Zhou. 2015. “Reversible Tuning of the Wettability on a Silver Mesodendritic Surface by the Formation and Disruption of Lipid-like Bilayers.” Applied Surface Science 329:150–57.
15. Dahai He, Bing Xia, Jun Liu, Lisheng Ding, and Yan Zhou. 2014. “Determination of Kepone and Its Metabolite in Water and Soil by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry.” Analytical Letters 48(1):1–8.
16. Bing Xia, Jinrong Li, Delan Yang, Wenli Mei, Lisheng Ding, and Yan Zhou. 2014. “A Rapid and Highly Specific Method to Evaluate the Presence of 2-(2-Phenylethyl)Chromones in Agarwood by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry.” European Journal of Mass Spectrometry 20(5):395.
17. Bing Xia, Mengmeng Feng, Gang Xu, Jindi Xu, Songlin Li, Xiao-Zhen Chen, Li-Sheng Ding, and Yan Zhou. 2014. “Investigation of the Chemical Compositions in Tobacco of Different Origins and Maturities at Harvest by GC-MS and HPLC-PDA-QTOF-MS.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 62(22):4979–87.
18. Bing Xia, Mengmeng Feng, Lisheng Ding, and Yan Zhou. 2014. “Fast Separation Method Development for Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Using an Autoblending Protocol.” Chromatographia 77(11–12):783–91.
19. Bing Xia, Yan Zhou, Hong Sheng Tan, Li Sheng Ding, and Hong Xi Xu. 2014. “Advanced Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Photodiode Array-Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometric Methods for Simultaneous Screening and Quantification of Triterpenoids in Poria Cocos.” Food Chemistry 152:237–44.
20. Bing Xia, Jinrong Li, Wenli Mei, Lisheng Ding, Hongxi Xu, and Yan Zhou. 2013. “Tandem Mass Spectrometry Fragmentation of the Protonated 2-(2-Phenylethyl)Chromones from Agarwood: Radical Ions versus Non-Radical Ions.” Journal of Mass Spectrometry?: JMS 48(8):979–82.
21. Bing Xia, Xin Liu, Yu-Cheng Gu, Zhao-Hui Zhang, Hai-Yan Wang, Li-Sheng Ding, and Yan Zhou. 2013. “Non-Target Screening of Veterinary Drugs Using Tandem Mass Spectrometry on SmartMass.” Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 24(5):789–93.
22. Yan Zhou, Bing Xia, Ming Hua Qiu, Ding Li Sheng, and Hong Xi Xu. 2013. “Fast Analysis of Triterpenoids in Ganoderma Lucidum Spores by Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry.” Biomedical Chromatography?: BMC 27(11):1560–67.
23. Bing Xia, Kaijie Xu, Xin Liu, Yunfeng Chai, Cuirong Sun, Yucheng Gu, Lisheng Ding, and Yan Zhou. 2012. “Tandem Mass Spectrometric Analysis and Density Functional Theory Calculations on the Fragmentation Behavior of Two Tetradecanoylingenol Regioisomers from Euphorbia Wallichii.” Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry?: RCM 26(21):2502–8.
24. Bing Xia, Yan Zhou, Xin Liu, Juan Xiao, Qing Liu, Yucheng Gu, and Lisheng Ding. 2012. “Use of Electrospray Ionization Ion-Trap Tandem Mass Spectrometry and Principal Component Analysis to Directly Distinguish Monosaccharides.” Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 26(11):1259–64.
25. Quan Li, Bing Xia, Mickey Branham, Wei Ha, Hao Wu, Shu-Lin Peng, Li-Sheng Ding, Bang-Jing Li, and Sheng Zhang. 2011. “Self-Assembly of Carboxymethyl Konjac Glucomannan-g-Poly(Ethylene Glycol) and ( -Cyclodextrin) to Biocompatible Hollow Nanospheres for Glucose Oxidase Encapsulation.” Carbohydrate Polymers 86(1):120–26.
26. Bing Xia, Zhengfu Tai, Yucheng Gu, Bangjing Li, Lisheng Ding, and Yan Zhou. 2011. “MyMolDB: A Micromolecular Database Solution with Open Source and Free Components.” Journal of Computational Chemistry 32(13):2942–48.
27. Bing Xia, Wei Ha, Xian-Wei Meng, Thirumala Govender, Shu-Lin Peng, Li-Sheng Ding, Bang-Jing Li, and Sheng Zhang. 2010. “Preparation and Characterization of a Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Grafted Carboxymethyl Konjac Glucomannan Copolymer.” Carbohydrate Polymers 79(3):648–54.
28. Rui Wang, Bing Xia, Bang-Jing Li, Shu-Lin Peng, Li-Sheng Ding, and Sheng Zhang. 2008. “Semi-Permeable Nanocapsules of Konjac Glucomannan-Chitosan for Enzyme Immobilization.” International Journal of Pharmaceutics 364(1):102–7.