胡军华 职 务: 职 称:研究员 学 历:博士研究生
电 话:+86 28 82890256 传 真: 通讯地址:四川省成都市人民南路四段9号
邮政编码:610041 电子邮件:hujh@cib.ac.cn



      紧密围绕环境变化对野生动物影响的前沿、基础科学问题及物种保护需求,从不同维度探讨环境变化对野生动物的影响及其响应,并在濒危物种生态建模方法论与保护地等领域开展研究。已在国内外重要期刊发表学术论文70篇,参编专著8部。以第一或通讯作者含共同Methods in Ecology and EvolutionPNASGlobal Change BiologyRenewable & Sustainable Energy ReviewsJournal of Animal EcologyBiological ConservationDiversity and DistributionsScience of the Total EnvironmentOecologia综合/学科重要期刊发表系列成果。 
























     Asian Herpetological Research》,编委 



     第八届世界两栖爬行动物学大会“Diversity & Distribution”专题主席;2017年和2020年分别受邀在“中国动物学会两栖爬行动物学分会学术研讨会”和“中国动物学会生物地理学分会成立大会”做大会报告 



      1.        中国科学院“西部之光-西部交叉团队重点实验室专项”:全球变化下山地两栖动物的适应机制与多样性保护(2022XBZG_JCTD_0012023-2025,主持 

      2.        国家自然科学基金面上项目:土地利用与气候变化对西南山地两栖动物多样性的协同影响及其保护322717372023-2026,主持) 

      3.        国家高层次人才特殊支持计划2022.09 

        4.        国家自然科学基金面上项目:棘蛙亚科物种种内性状和营养生态位的地理变异及其机制(320715442021-2024,主持 

      5.        国家自然科学基金面上项目:气候变化对横断山区两栖动物多样性多维度的影响及保护空间优化317705682018-2021,主持) 

      6.        国家自然科学基金面上项目:隆肛蛙属物种的共存机制与保护生物地理学(315722902016-2019主持) 

      7.        国家自然科学基金面上项目:棘蛙亚科多样性格局与生态位进化研究(312705682013-2016,主持) 

      8.        中国科学院西部之光青年学者(A类)人才计划2020-2022,主持) 

      9.        四川省自然科学基金面上项目:气候变化对川西北高原倭蛙的影响及其适应机制(2022NSFSC01252022-2023,主持) 

      10.    海南热带雨林国家公园研究院科研项目:海南热带雨林国家公园道路网对两栖动物多样性的影响与交通致死分析(2021-2022,主持 

      11.    中国科学院青年创新促进会人才项目(2015-2018主持 

      12.    四川省杰出青年计划(2014-2016,主持 

      13.    中国科学院科STS重点项目子课题:三江源国家公园特有两栖类物种数量及分布格局(2017-2018,主持 

      14.    国家重点研发计划子课题:遗产地OUV表征物种多样性和生态系统稳定性维持机制研究2016YFC05033032016-2020,主持 

      15.    中国科学院成都生物研究所青年研究员计划2014-2017主持) 

      16.    生物多样性监测项目(峨眉山、若尔盖观测样区,2014-2020,主持) 


     1.        Wang, X., Zhong, M., Yang, S., Jiang, J., & Hu, J*. (2022) Multiple -diversity patterns and the underlying mechanisms across amphibian communities along a subtropical elevational gradient. Diversity and Distributions, 28, 2489-2502. *通讯作者,下同 

     2.        Yang, S#., Wang, X#., & Hu, J*. (2022) Mountain frog species losing out to climate change around the Sichuan Basin. Science of the Total Environment, 806, 150605.#共同一作,下同 

     3.        Wang, X., Zhong, M., Zhang, J., Si, X., Yang, S., Jiang, J., &Hu, J*. (2022) Multidimensional amphibian diversity and community structure along a 2600 m elevational gradient on the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Zoological Research, 43, 40-51.(封面文章) 

     4.        Li, C., Yao, T., Wang, X., Zhang, B., Qiao, H*. & Hu, J*. (2022) Prospects and challenges coexist in China’s new protected area system. Biodiversity and Conservation, 31, 315-319. 

     5.        Guo, C., Zhong, M., Leung, K.W., Wang, X. & Hu, J*. (2022) A new species of the genus Kurixalus (Anura: Rhacophoridae) from Sichuan Province, southwestern China. Zoological Research, 43, 90-94. 

     6.        Fu, L., Wang, X., Yang, S., Li, C*. & Hu, J*. (2022) Morphological variation and its environmental correlates in the Taihangshan swelled-vented frog across the Qinling Mountains. Animals, 12, 2328. 

     7.        Fang, B#., Yang, Z#., Shen, M*., Wu, X. & Hu, J*. (2021) Limited increase in asynchrony between the onset of spring green-up and the arrival of a long-distance migratory bird. Science of the Total Environment, 795,148823.  

     8.        Luo, Z., Wang, X., Yang, S., Cheng, X., Liu, Y. & Hu, J*. (2021) Combining the responses of habitat suitability and connectivity to climate change for an East Asian endemic frog. Frontiers in Zoology, 18, 14. 

     9.        Xu, A#., Zhong, M#., Tang, K., Wang, X., Yang, C., Xu, H., Yi, J., Liu, W., Zhang, C*. & Hu, J*. (2021) Multidimensional diversity of bird communities across spatial variation of land cover in Zoige on the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Avian Research, 12, 25. 

     10.    Leung, K.W., Yang, S., Wang, X., Tang, K. & Hu, J*. (2021) Ecogeographical adaptation revisited: morphological variations in the plateau brown frog along an elevation gradient on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Biology-Basel, 10, 1081. 

     11.    Huang, Y#., Wang, X#., Yang, X., Jiang, J*. & Hu, J*. (2020) Unveiling the roles of interspecific competition and local adaptation in phenotypic differentiation of parapatric frogs. Current Zoology, 66, 383-392.(封面文章) 

     12.    Liang, D#., Yang, S#., Pagani-N ?ez, E.#*, He, C., Liu, Y., Goodale, E., Liao, WB*. & Hu, J*. (2020) How to become a generalist species? Individual niche variation across habitat transformation gradients. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8, 597450. 

     13.    Wang, X., Yang, S., Guo, C., Tang, K., Jiang, J*. & Hu, J*. (2020) Amphibian diversity and conservation along an elevational gradient on Mount Emei, southwestern China. Amphibian & Reptile Conservation, 14, 46-56. 

     14.    Hu, J*., Huang, Y., Jiang, J. & Guisan, A. (2019) Genetic diversity in frogs linked to past and future climate changes on the roof of the world. Journal of Animal Ecology, 88, 953-963.  

     15.    Feng, L., Liao, W., & Hu, J*. (2019) Towards a more sustainable human-animal relationship: the legal protection of wildlife in China. Sustainability, 11, 3112.  

     16.    Wang, X#., Huang, Y#., Zhong, M., Yang, S., Yang, X., Jiang, J. &Hu, J*. (2019) Environmental stress shapes life-history variation in the swelled-vented frog (Feirana quadranus). Evolutionary Ecology, 33, 435-448. 

     17.    Yang, S., Jiang, J., Luo, Z., Yang, X., Wang, X., Liao, W. & Hu, J*. (2019) Microhabitat segregation of parapatric frogs in the Qinling Mountains. Asian Herpetological Research, 10, 48-55. 

     18.    You, Z., Hu, J*., Wei, Q., Li, C., Deng, X. & Jiang, Z*. (2018) Pitfall of big databases.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115, E9026-E9028.  

     19.    Hu, J*. & Jiang J*. (2018) Inferring ecological explanations for biogeographic boundaries of parapatric Asian mountain frogs. BMC Ecology, 18, 3.  

     20.    Qiao, H., Peterson, A.T., Ji, L. & Hu, J*. (2017) Using data from related species to overcome spatial sampling bias and associated limitations in ecological niche modeling. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8, 1804-1812. 

     21.    Hu, J*. (2017) Decreasing desired opportunity for energy supply of a globally acclaimed biofuel crop in a changing climate. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 76, 857-864. 

     22.    Hua, F#*., Hu, J#., Liu, Y#*., Giam, X., Lee, T.M., Luo, H., Wu, J., Liang, Q., Zhao, J., Long, X., Pang, H., Wang, B., Liang, W., Zhang, Z., Gao, X. & Zhu, J. (2016) Community-wide changes in intertaxonomic temporal co-occurrence resulting from phenological shifts. Global Change Biology, 22, 1746-1754.  

     23.    Hu, J*., Broennimann, O., Guisan, A., Wang, B., Huang, Y. & Jiang, J*. (2016) Niche conservatism in Gynandropaa frogs on the southeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Scientific Reports, 6, 32624.  

     24.    Hu, J., Jiang, Z*., Chen, J. & Qiao, H*. (2015) Niche divergence accelerates evolution in Asian endemic Procapra gazelles. Scientific Reports, 5, 10069.  

     25.    Feng, X., Chen, W., Hu, J*. & Jiang, J*. (2015)Variation and sexual dimorphism of body size in the plateau brown frog along an altitudinal gradient. Asian Herpetological Research, 6, 291-297. 

     26.    Hu, J. & Liu, Y*. (2014) Unveiling the conservation biogeography of a data-deficient endangered bird species under climate change. PLoS ONE, 9, e84529. 

     27.    Hu, J., Jiang, Z*. & Mallon, D.P. (2013) Metapopulation viability of a globally endangered gazelle on the Northeast Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Biological Conservation, 166, 23-32.  

     28.    Hu, J*. & Jiang, Z*. (2012) Detecting the potential sympatric range and niche divergence between Asian endemic ungulates of Procapra. Naturwissenschaften, 99, 553-565.  

     29.    Hu, J., Li, C., Xie, F. & Jiang, J*. (2012) Endemic amphibians and their distribution in China. Asian Herpetological Research, 3, 163-171. 

     30.    Hu, J. & Jiang, Z*. (2011) Climate change hastens the conservation urgency of an endangered ungulate. PLoS ONE, 6, e22873. 

     31.    Hu, J., Xie, F., Li, C. & Jiang, J*. (2011) Elevational patterns of species richness, range and body size for spiny frogs. PLoS ONE, 6, e19817. 

     32.    Hu, J., Jiang, Z., Zhang, C., Xiao, F. & Hu, H*. (2011) Bird diversity and the conservation value of a new Ramsar site: Guangdong Haifeng Wetlands, China. Integrative Zoology, 6, 266-278. 

     33.    Hu, J., Hu, H. & Jiang, Z*. (2010) The impacts of climate change on the wintering distribution of an endangered migratory bird. Oecologia, 164, 555-565.  

     34.    Hu, J. & Jiang, Z*. (2010) Predicting the potential distribution of the endangered Przewalski’s gazelle. Journal of Zoology, 282, 54-63.  

     35.    Hu, J., Ping, X., Cai, J., Li, Z., Li, C. & Jiang, Z*. (2010) Do local communities support the conservation of endangered Przewalski’s gazelle? European Journal of Wildlife Research, 56, 551-560. 

     36.    乔慧捷, 汪晓意, 王伟, 罗振华, 唐科, 黄燕, 杨胜男, 曹伟伟, 赵新全, 江建平, 胡军华*. (2018) 从自然保护区到国家公园体制试点: 三江源国家公园环境覆盖的变化及其对两栖爬行类保护的启示. 生物多样性, 26, 202-209. 

     37.    蒋志刚, 申国珍, 胡军华. (2022) 峨眉山世界自然遗产地生物多样性——突出普遍价值与保护. 科学出版社.  

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