- 陶勇
- 电子邮件:taoyong@cib.ac.cn
- 职 称:研究员
- 学 历:博士研究生
- 通讯地址:成都市人民南路四段9号
- 邮 编:610041
陶勇 研究员,男,1972年11月生,2006年毕业于四川大学生物资源与生态环境教育部重点实验室,获理学博士学位,2006年7月进入中国科学院成都生物研究所工作。2008-2010年在四川大学轻纺与食品学院从事博士后研究。2016.7-10月,美国奥本大学访问学者。先后承担完成了国家863专题、国家自然科学基金、中科院知识创新工程重要方向项目与财政部战略生物资源专项等多项课题,入选2011年中国科学院“西部之光”重点人才培养计划。已发表学术论文50余篇,其中SCI源刊论文31篇,申请国家发明11项,其中授权专利8项。
1. 微生物在废物资源化与能源转化中的应用与工艺;
2. 生物燃料前体—己酸的生物学合成途径及分子机制;
3. 环境微生物学及特定功能菌株的筛选、鉴定与应用。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“瘤胃菌CPB6以乳酸为底物合成己酸的分子机制”(2018-2021年)
2. 四川省应用基础研究计划项目(重点)“生物质废物/废水合成中链脂肪酸的关键技术研究”(2016-2019年)
3. 十三五”国家重点研发计划子课题“ 稻田土壤镉的生物-巯基化钝化剂的研制与应用” (2016-2020年)
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于宏转录组学的窖池微生物共酵生香的分子机理研究”(2015-2016年)
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于宏基因组与转录组学的窖泥微生物群落结构与功能研究”(2013-2016年)
6. 中国科学院环境与应用微生物重点实验室开放研究基金"利用发酵工业废水合成己酸的技术研究"(2014-2015年)
7. 中国科学院“西部之光”人才培养计划重点项目“垃圾渗滤液生物电化学脱氮技术与示范”(2010-2012年)
8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“氮、磷胁迫下复合菌群BMA对蓝藻种群的影响”(2009-2011年)
9. 国家政部战略生物资源科技支撑专项课题等项目“环境微生物资源收集与保藏”(2009-2010年)
10. 国家“十一五”863专题课题“垃圾渗滤液硝化-原位反硝化-氮资源利用与减排技术研究”(2008-2010年)
1. Lingjuan Li, ShoutongWang, Xiangzhen Li, Tiezhu Li, Xiaohong He, Yong Tao*. Effects of Pseudomonas chenduensis and biochar on cadmium availability and microbial community in the paddy soil. Science of the Total Environment. 640-641(2018) 1034-1043
2. Han Wang, Xiangzhen Li, Yi Wang, Yong Tao*, et al.Improvement of n?caproic acid production with Ruminococcaceae bacterium CPB6: selection of electron acceptors and carbon sources and optimization of the culture medium. Microb Cell Fact (2018) 17:99
3. Xiaoyu Zhu, Yan Zhou, Yi Wang, Tingting Wu, Xiangzhen Li, Daping Li and Yong Tao*. Production of high?concentration n?caproic acid from lactate through fermentation using a newly isolated Ruminococcaceae bacterium CPB6. Biotechnol Biofuels. 2017, 10:102
4. Yong Tao, Xiang Wang, Xiangzhen Li*, Na Wei, Hong Jin, Zhancheng Xu, Qinglan Tang, Xiaoyu Zhu. The functional potential and active populations of the microbiome in pit mud used for the production of Chinese strong-flavour liquor. Microbial Biotechnology. 2017,6:1603-1615
5. Yong Tao, Xiaoyu Zhu, Han Wang, Yi Wang*, Xiangzhen Li, Hong Jin, and Junpeng Rui. Complete genome sequence of Ruminococcaceae bacterium CPB6: A newly isolated culture for efficient n-caproic acid production from lactate. Journal of Biotechnology. 2017, 259:91-94
6. Yanyan Zhang, Xiaoyu Zhu, Xiangzhen Li, Yong Tao*, Jia Jia, Xiaohong He. The process-related dynamics of microbial community during a simulated fermentation of Chinese strong-flavored liquor. BMC Microbiology, 2017, 17:196
7. Yong Tao*, Xiaohong Hu, Xiaoyu Zhu, Hong Jin, Zhancheng Xu, Qinglan Tang, Xiangzhen Li.Production of Butyrate from Lactate by a Newly Isolated Clostridium sp. BPY5. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol., 2016,179,361–374
8. Zhu, X.Y., Tao, Yong*., Liang, C., et al., 2015. The synthesis of n-caproate from lactate: a new efficient process for medium-chain carboxylates production. Scientific Reports 14360(5), pp 1-9, 2015/9/25.
9. Yin Q, Tao Yong*, Zhu X, et al.Clostridium liquoris sp. nov., isolated from a fermentation pit used for the production of Chinese Strong-Flavored Liquor. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol., 2015 Nov 23. doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.000787.
10. Qian, Junwei; Zhu, Xiaoyu; Tao, Yong*; Zhou, Yan; He, Xiaohong; Li, Daping. Promotion of Ni2+ Removal by Masking Toxicity to Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria: Addition of Citrate.International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 16(4), pp 7932-7943, 2015/4.
11. Tao, Yong; Li, Jiabao; Rui, Junpeng; Xu, Zhancheng; Zhou, Yan; Hu, Xiaohong; Wang, Xiang; Liu, Menghua; Li, Daping; *Li, Xiangzhen, Prokaryotic Communities in Pit Mud from Different-Aged Cellars Used for the Production of Chinese Strong-Flavored Liquor, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 80(7), pp 2254-2260, 2014/4.
12. Tao Yong, Zhou Yan, He Xiaohong, Hu Xiaohong, Li, Pseudomonas chengduensis sp. nov., isolated from landfill leachate, Int J Syst Evol Microbiol., 64(1), pp 95-100, 2014/1/6.
13. Lin, Qiang; He, Guihua; Rui, Junpeng; Fang, Xiaoyu; Tao, Yong; Li, Jiabao; Li, Xiangzhen. Microorganism-regulated mechanisms of temperature effects on the performance of anaerobic digestion. Microbial Cell Factories, 15, 2016/6/3. IF: 3.681
14. Zhan, Guoqiang; Li, Daping; Tao, Yong; Zhu, Xiaoyu; Zhang, Lixia; Wang, Yujian; He, Xiaohong.Ammonia as carbon-free substrate for hydrogen production in bioelectrochemical systems.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39(23), pp 11854-11859, 2014/8/4. IF: 3.313
15. Bo, Tao; *Zhu, Xiaoyu; Zhang, Lixia; Tao, Yong; He, Xiaohong; Li, Daping; Yan, Zhiying.A new upgraded biogas production process: Coupling microbial electrolysis cell and anaerobic digestion in single-chamber, barrel-shape stainless steel reactor.Electrochemistry Communications, 45, pp 67-70, 2014/8. IF: 4.847
16. Bo, Tao; Zhang, Lixia; Zhu, Xiaoyu; He, Xiaohong; Tao, Yong; Zhang, Jintao; *Li, Daping.Lead ions removal from aqueous solution in a novel.bioelectrochemical system with a stainless steel cathode.RSC Advances, 4(77), pp 41135-41140, 2014. IF: 3.840
17. Qian, Jun-Wei; Tao, Yong; Zhang, Wen-Jie; He, Xiao-Hong; Gao, Ping; *Li, Da-Ping, Presence of Fe3+ and Zn2+ promoted biotransformation of Cd-citrate complex and removal of metals from solutions, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 263, pp 367-373, 2013/12/15. IF: 4.331
18. Jiang, Yong; Su, Min; Zhang, Yao; Zhan, Guoqiang; Tao, Yong; *Li, Daping, Bioelectrochemical systems for simultaneously production of methane and acetate from carbon dioxide at relatively high rate, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38(8), pp 3497-3502, 2013/3/19. IF: 2.930
19. Su, Wentao; *Zhang, Lixia; Li, Daping; Zhan, Guoqiang; Qian, Junwei; Tao, Yong, Dissimilatory nitrate reduction by Pseudomonas alcaliphila with an electrode as the sole electron donor, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 109(11), pp 2904-2910, 2012/11. IF: 3.648
20. Su, Wentao; Zhang, Lixia; Tao, Yong; Zhan, Guoqiang; Li, Dongxun; *Li, Daping, Sulfate reduction with electrons directly derived from electrodes in bioelectrochemical systems, Electrochemistry Communications, 22, pp 37-40, 2012/8. IF: 4.425
21. Zhan, Guoqiang; Zhang, Lixia; *Li, Daping; Su, Wentao; Tao, Yong; Qian, Junwei, Autotrophic nitrogen removal from ammonium at low applied voltage in a single-compartment microbial electrolysis cell, Bioresource Technology, 116, pp 271-277, 2012/7. IF: 4.750
22. Zhang, Jie; *Li, Da-Ping; Gao, Ping; Tao, Yong; Wang, Xiao-Mei; He, Xiao-Hong.Analysis of water quality factors influencing the speciation of inorganic nitrogen using GRA.Journal of Environmental Biology, 32(5), pp 641-644, 2011/9. IF: 0.640
23. Zhang, Jie; *Li, Da-Ping; Gao, Ping; Tao, Yong; Wang, Xiao-Mei; He, Xiao-Hong.Nitrification and nitrifying bacteria in the Chengdu section of middle Min River (China).African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(29), pp 5635-5647, 2011/6/22.
24. Zhong, Qi; Li, Daping; Tao, Yong; Wang, Xiaomei; He, Xiaohong; Zhang, Jie; Zhang, Jinlian; Guo, Weiqiang; Wang, Lan.Nitrogen removal from landfill leachate via ex situ nitrification and sequential in situ denitrification.Waste Management, 29(4), pp 1347-1353, 2009/4. IF: 2.433
25. Hu Jie; Li Daping; Liu Qiang; Tao Yong; He Xiaohong; Wang Xiaomei; Li Xudong; Gao Ping.Effect of organic carbon on nitrification efficiency and community composition of nitrifying biofilms.Journal of Environmental Sciences, 21(3), pp 387-394, 2009. IF: 0.941
26. Hu Jie; Li Daping; Tao Yong; He Xiaohong; Wang Xiaomei; Li Xudong.Effect of Acetate on Nitrite Oxidation in Mixed-Population Biofilms.Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 106(6), pp 580-586, 2008/12.
27. Guo, Weiqiang; Li, Daping; Tao, Yong; Gao, Ping; Hu, Jijun.Isolation and description of a stable carbazole-degrading microbial consortium consisting of Chryseobacterium sp NCY and Achromobacter sp. NCW.Current Microbiology, 57(3), pp 251-257, 2008/9.
28. Tao, K; Long, ZF; Liu, K; Tao, Y. Purification and properties of a novel insecticidal protein from the locust pathogen Serratia marcescens HR-3.Current Microbiology, 52(1), pp 45-49, 2006/1.
29. Tao, K; Long, ZF; Gao, Q; Tao, Y; Jin, H; Ran, HY; Liu, K; *Liu, SG.Isolation of Serratia marcescens as a chondroitinase-producing bacterium and purification of a novel chondroitinase AC.Biotechnology Letters, 27(7), pp 489-493, 2005/4.
30. Tao Yong; Long, ZF; Jing, X; Hong, J; Ran, HY; Ke, T; Ge, SR; *Kun, L.Identification of a chitinase-producing bacterium C4 and histopathologic study on locusts.Pest Management Science, 61(2), pp 159-165, 2005/2.
31. Tao, Yong; Jin, H; Long, ZF; Zhang, L; Ding, XQ; Tao, K; *Ge, SR.Purification and characterization of an extracellular chitinase produced by bacterium C4.Annals of Microbiology, 55(3), pp 213-218, 2005.
32. 魏 娜; 朱晓宇; 陶 勇* 等.浓香型白酒窖泥中优势菌群的定量PCR分析.应用与环境生物学报, 21(4), pp 635-639, 2015/8/25.
33. 胡小红; 周 艳; 陶 勇*.一株利用乳酸产丁酸梭菌BEY8的鉴定及其特性.四川大学学报(自然科学版) (已接受), 2015, pp 1-6.
34. 周艳; 朱晓宇; 陶勇*.一株新的毛螺旋菌Lachnospiraceae bacterium BTY6的分离与鉴定.四川大学学报(自然科学版) (已接受), 2015, pp 1-7.
35. 魏娜; 李香真; 陶勇*.元基因组和元转录组学在环境微生物中的应用.环境科学与技术, 10期, pp 48-54, 2014/10/15.
36. 陶勇; 芮俊鹏; 李家宝; 徐占成; 李大平; 唐清兰; 魏勇; 李香真, 浓香型白酒窖泥中细菌和古菌的组成与多样性, 化工学报, 5期, 2014.
37. 张尧; 张闻杰; 蒋永; 苏敏; 陶勇; 李大平.生物电化学系统固定二氧化碳同时产生乙酸和丁酸.应用与环境生物学报, 02期, pp 174-178, 2014.
38. 蒋永; 苏敏; 张尧; 陶勇; 李大平, 生物电化学系统还原二氧化碳同时合成甲烷和乙酸, 应用与环境生物学报, 05期, pp 833-837, 2013.
39. 苏艳秋; 罗国强; 顾继锐; 陶勇.光合细菌对水产养殖环境细菌群落结构的影响.淡水渔业, 05期, pp 75-80, 2013/9/15.
40. 宋楠; 何晓红; 李大平; 高平; 陶勇*.硫酸粘菌素生产废水的硝化反硝化生物脱氮.应用与环境生物学报, 06期, pp 1035-1039, 2013.
41. 董娟; 李大平; 陶勇*; 何晓红; 张雅舒, 氮磷胁迫下藻-菌群落的变化研究, 环境科学与技术, 12期, pp 40-45+55, 2012/12/15.
42. 唐薇; 李大平; 杨暖; 陶勇*, 变形虫Naegleria sp.TH8的分离鉴定及食藻特性, 应用与环境生物学报, 02期, pp 245-250, 2012.
43. 董娟; 何晓红; 李大平; 张雅舒; 陶勇*, 太湖梅梁湾附生细菌和游离细菌群落结构分析, 应用与环境生物学报, 01期, pp 104-108, 2011/2/25.
44. 陶勇; 徐占成; 李东迅; 刘孟华; 樊科权; 姚开.窖泥细菌群落结构演替及其与环境因子的相关性.酿酒科技, 09期, pp 42-46, 2011.
45. 陶勇; 徐占成; 刘孟华; 樊科权; 李大平.剑南春窖泥理化特性及矿质元素变化趋势研究.酿酒科技, 07期, pp 51-54, 2011.
46. 邓建明; 陶勇*; 李大平; 董娟.溶藻细菌及其分子生物学研究进展.应用与环境生物学报, 06期, pp 895-900, 2009/12/25.
47. 邓建明; 李大平; 陶勇*; 何晓红; 王晓梅.溶微囊藻细菌的富集筛选及其菌群结构特征.微生物学通报, 08期, pp 1130-1136, 2009/8/20.
48. 邓建明; 李大平; 陶勇*.水华蓝藻暴发的预防与控制技术研究进展.水处理技术, 08期, pp 23-26+49, 2009/8/10.
1. 陶勇,等。 一种酿酒黄水资源化利用的方法(CN201810243651.1)
2. 陶勇,李玲娟,何晓红 等;一种镉污染稻田土壤微生物钝化剂(CN201710926860)
3. 陶勇; 朱晓宇; 何晓红等;一株瘤胃菌及其应用 (CN 201710092267.1)
4. 陶勇; 朱晓宇; 何晓红等.一种通过微生物催化乳酸合成己酸的方法
5. 李大平; 陶勇; 何晓红; 张礼霞; 占国强。一种生物电化学偶联脱氮装置和方法 (ZL201010254242.5)
6. 李大平 占国强 陶勇 张礼霞。一种生物电化学脱氮反应器及其使用方法。(ZL201110271646.X)
7. Li Daping, He Xiaohong,Tao yong, Wang Xiaomei. Pseudomonas alcaliphila MBR and Its Application in Bioreduction and Biosorption, (US8,399,237,B2)
8. 李大平;陶勇;何晓红;王晓梅。一种自养异养共生氨氧化菌剂、其培养方法及用途(ZL200910058558.4)
9. 李大平;何晓红;陶勇;王晓梅。一株克雷伯氏菌及其在微氧发酵产氢中的用途 (ZL 200810045058.2)
10. 李大平;何晓红;陶勇;王晓梅;付宁;贾志国;胡吉军。一种生物质发酵-光合藕联产氢的方法 (ZL200810148030.1)
11. 李大平;何晓红;陶勇;王晓梅。一株假单胞菌及其在生物还原和生物吸附中的用途 (ZL200810044958.5)