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论文编号:   DOI:10.1134/S102279540804008X
第一作者所在部门:   农业生物技术研究中心
论文题目:   Length Variation of i-Type Low-Molecular-Weight Glutenin Subunit Genes in Diploid Wheats
作者:   H. Long
全部作者:   H. Long,Z. Huang,Y.-M. Wei,Z.-H. Yan,Z.-C. Ma,Y.-L. Zheng
刊物名称:   Russian Journal of Genetics
年:   2008
卷:   44
期:   4
页:   429-435
联系作者:   Y.-L. Zheng
影响因子:   0.266
摘要 :    Allelic variation of the low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit (LMW-GS) is associated with the significant differences of dough quality in bread and durum wheat, and has been widely evaluated at protein level in wheat and its relatives. In this study, a PCR primer set, targeting the high variable repetitive domains, was employed to assay the length variation of i-type LMW-GS genes in the A-genomes of diploid wheats, the diploid progenitors of tetraploid and hexaploid wheat. A total of 71 accessions of diploid wheats, belonging to two wild and one cultivated species, were investigated. The higher variations of repetitive length in i-type LMW-GS genes were found in diploid wheats with Nei’s genetic variation index (H) of 0.834. The two wild species,T. boeoticum and T. urartu, were found to possess the similar degree of variability, with the Nei’s genetic variation index of 0.806 and 0.783, respectively. Less variation was detected in T. monococcum (H= 0.680), a cultivated species domesticated from T. boeoticum. The sufficient variation found in this study could be used as valuable source for the enrichment of genetic variations and the alteration of flour-processing properties of the cultivated wheat. To our knowledge, it was the first time that an analysis of length variation targeting a particular group of genes of LMW-GS complex multigene families was conducted.
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