论文题目 通讯作者 发布年度 刊物名称
Mutation screening in genes known to be responsible for Retinitis Pigmentosa in 98 Small Han Chinese Families 2017 Scientific Reports
Flexible shift on gene body methylation and transcription of LpCYP72A161 exposed to temperature stress in perennial ryegrass 2017 Environmental and Experimental Botany
Youngia jiulongensis (Crepidinae, Cichorieae, Asteraceae), 2017 phytotaxa
Systematic study of Acanthochlamydaceae-A new endemic Family of China 2017 Universal Journal of Agricultural Research
Production and flocculating properties of a compound biopolymer flocculant from corn ethanol wastewater 2017 Bioresource Technology
Evolution of microbial biosensor based on functional RNA throughfluorescence-activated cell sorting 2017 Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical
Identification and characterization of suppressor mutants of stop1 2017 BMC Plant Biology
Determination of Sulfonamides in Chicken Muscle by Pulsed Direct Current Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry 2017 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Development of a New Marker System for Identification of Spirodela polyrhiza and Landoltia punctata 2017 International Journal of Genomics
Chromatin modifcation contributes to the expression divergence of three TaGS2 homoeologs in hexaploid wheat 2017 Scientific Reports
Utilization of a Wheat660K SNP array-derived high-density genetic map for high-resolution mapping of a major QTL for kernel number 2017 scientific reports
Characterization of the temporal and spatial expression of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plant height at the QTL level and their infuence on yield-related traits 2017 Theor Appl Genet
Molecular phylogenuies indicate a paleo-Tibetan origin of himalayan lazy toads 2017 Scientific Reports
后棱蛇属一新种 2017 Zoological Research
Evaluating the contribution of Yr genes to stripe rust resistance breeding through marker-assisted detection in wheat 2017 Euphytica
CH4 concentrations and fluxes in a subtropical metropolitan river network:Watershed urbanization impacts and environmental controls 2017 Science of the Total Environment
Dehydration induced transcriptomic responses in two Tibetan hulless barley (Hordeum vulgare var. nudum) accessions distinguished by drought tolerance. 2017 BMC genomics
Isolation of?two new retrotransposon sequences and?development of?molecular and?cytological markers for?Dasypyrum villosum (L.) 2017 Genetica
Soil N mineralization profiles of co-existing woody vegetation islands at the alpine tree line 2017 European Journal of Forest Science
Long-term nitrogen addition affects the phylogenetic turnover of soil microbial community responding to moisture pulse 2017 Scientific Reports