Does thinning-induced gap size result in altered soil microbial community in pine plantation in eastern Tibetan Plateau? |
2017 |
Ecology and Evolution |
川西不同树种人工林对土壤涵水能力的影响 |
2017 |
生态学报 |
ITS non-concerted evolution and rampant hybridization in the legume genus Lespedeza (Fabaceae) |
2017 |
Scientific Reports |
Satellite-based estimation of net primary productivity for southern China’s grasslands from 1982 to 2012 |
2017 |
Climate Research |
Determination of contents of catechins in oolong teas by quantitative analysis of multi-components via a single marker (QAMS) method |
2017 |
Food Analytical Methods |
Development of a nano-SiO2 based enzyme-linked ligand binding assay for the determination of ibuprofen in human urine |
2017 |
Talanta |
An efficient direct competitive nano-ELISA for residual BSA determination in vaccines |
2017 |
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry |
A simple nano-SiO2-based ELISA method for residue detection of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid in bean sprouts |
2017 |
Food Analytical Methods |
Astragalosidic acid: a new water-soluble derivative of astragaloside IV prepared using remarkably simple TEMPO-mediated oxidation |
2017 |
Molecules |
Discovery and Biological Evaluation of Natural Phenolic Antioxidants |
2017 |
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity |
Using data from related species to overcome spatial sampling bias and associated limitations in ecological niche modeling |
2017 |
Methods in Ecology and Evolution |
Phosphorous Application Improves Drought Tolerance of Phoebe zhennan |
2017 |
Frontiers in plant science |
Fragmentation Study of Limonoids from Turraae pubescens by Electrospray Ionization Quadrupole Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry |
2017 |
Analytical Letters |
Molecular Phylogenies indicate a Paleo-Tibetan Origin of Himalayan Lazy Toads (Scutiger) |
2017 |
Scientific Reports |
Organocatalytic asymmetric Michael addition of pyrazoleamides to b-phthalimidonitroethene |
2017 |
Tetrahedron |
Unraveling the relative contribution of inter- and intrapopulation functional variability in wild populations of a tadpole species |
2017 |
Ecolgoy and Evolution |
Picea asperata pioneer and fibrous roots have different physiological mechanism of responses to soil freeze-thaw in spring |
2017 |
Biologia Plantarum |
Strong thermal acclimation of photosynthesis in tropical and temperate wet-forest tree species: the importance of altered Rubisco content |
2017 |
Global Change Biology |
The Synergistic Responses of Different Photoprotective Pathways in Dwarf Bamboo (Fargesia rufa) to Drought and Subsequent Rewatering |
2017 |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
Effect of microtopography on soil respiration in analpine meadow of the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. |
2017 |
Plant and Soil |