论文题目 通讯作者 发布年度 刊物名称
Dissolved organic matter defines microbial communities during initial soil formation after deglaciation 孙庚,类延宝 2023 Science of the Total Environment
Plant–soil–microbial interactions mediate vegetation succession in retreating glacial forefields 类延宝 2023 Science of the Total Environment
Developmental regulation of conserved non-coding element evolution provides insights into limb loss in squamates 李家堂 2023 Science China-Life Sciences
中国江西省西部的两头蛇(爬行纲:蛇亚目:两头蛇科)新种 丁利 2023 Russian Journal of Herpetology
Assembly processes and ecological dynamics of root-associated bacterial communities during phytoremediation of vanadium-titanium mine tailings using Millettia pinnata 2023 Rhizosphere
Quantifying Water Impoundment-Driven Air Temperature Changes in the Dammed Jinsha River, Southwest China 卢涛 2023 Remote sensing
Coupled Coordination Analysis between Urbanization and Eco-Environment in Ecologically Fragile Areas: A Case Study of Northwestern Sichuan, Southwest China 卢涛 2023 Remote sensing
Automated high‐throughput characterization of microbial metabolites and species using array ballpoint electrospray ionization technique 夏兵 2023 Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry
Functional and phylogenetic relationships link predators to plant diversity via trophic and non-trophic pathways 王明强 2023 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Screening of Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors from Seeds of Nigella glandulifera Freyn et Sint. by Ligand Fishing and Their Neuroprotective Activity 廖循,张咏梅 2023 Plants
Age Determination and Growth Characteristics of the Potentilla griffithii: A Comparison of Two Different Habitats in Western Sichuan Plateau, China 包维楷 2023 plants
Coordination of leaf and root economic space in alpine coniferous forests on the Tibetan Plateau 孔德良,尹华军 2023 Plant Soil
Leaf phenotypic plasticity and integration balance plant adaptation to water table decline: a mesocosm experiment 赵川 2023 Plant Soil
Optimum nitrogen improved stem breaking resistance of intercropped soybean by modifying the stem anatomical structure and lignin metabolism Weiguo Liu 2023 Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
Neuroprotective effects of Lycium barbarum fruit extract on Pink1B9 Drosophila Melanogaster genetic model of Parkinson’s disease 张咏梅,廖循 2023 Plant Foods for Human Nutrition
A new infrageneric classification of Gastrochilus (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae) based on molecular and morphological data 徐波 2023 Plant Diversity
Phylogeny, character evolution, and classification of Selaginellaceae (lycophytes) 张丽兵 2023 Plant Diversity
Potential of UV-B radiation in drought stress resilience: A multidimensional approach to plant adaptation and future implications 潘志芬 2023 plant cell and environment
Low-order fine roots of Picea asperata have different physiological mechanisms in response to seasonal freeze and freeze–thaw of soil 尹春英 2023 plant biology
Geographic isolation and climatic heterogeneity drive population differentiation of Rosa chinensis var. spontanea complex 高信芬 2023 Plant Biology