论文题目 通讯作者 发布年度 刊物名称
Allelopathic effects of Jatropha curcas on marigold (Tagetes erecta L.). 2009 Allelopathy Journal
Growth and physiological responses of Picea asperata seedlings to elevated temperature and to nitrogen fertilization 2009 Acta Physiologiae Plantarum
Morphological Variation in Pachytriton labiatus and a Re-assessment of the Taxonomic Status of P.granulosus (Amphibia:Urodela:Salamandridae) 2009 Current Herpetology
Morphological variation in Thermophis Malnate (Serpentes: Colubridae),with an expanded description of T. zhaoermii 2009 Zootaxa
New Eremophilane Sesquiterpenes from the Roots of Ligularia fischeri 2009 Helvetica Chimica Acta
4个甘薯品种不同生育期的乙醇发酵比较 2009 应用与环境生物学报
NH4+-N和NO3-和N肥对大棚黄瓜根际土线虫 群落组成及其多样性影响 2009 生态学报
A Comparative Cytogenetic Study of the Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Autotetraploid Restorers and Hybrids 2009 Russian Journal of Genetics
Nitrogen removal from landfill leachate via ex situ nitrification and sequential in situ denitrification 2009 Waste Management
A facile method for the preparation of sugar orthoesters promoted by anhydrous sodium bicarbonate 2009 Canadian Journal of Chemistry
One-pot three-component Mannich-type reactions using Sulfamic acid catalyst under ultrasound irradiation 2009 Ultrasonics Sonochemistry
A mild and practical method for the synthesis of sugar orthoesters promoted by anhydrous sodium bicarbonate 2009 中国化学会第六届全国有机化学学术会议,西安(论文摘要)
One-step regioselective green synthesis of 2,3-mannoepoxy-β- cyclodextrin under aqueous conditions 2009 MONATSHEFTE FUR CHEMIE
A new alkaloid from Corydalis hendersonii 2009 Planta Medica
Paa bourreti的有效性及其在中国的新纪录 2009 动物分类学报
Photosynthetic and physiological responses of Swida hemsleyi (C.K. Schneid. Et Wangerin) Sojak (Cornaceae) subjected to enhanced UV-B radiation and to nitrogen supply 2009 Polish Journal of Ecology
Plastic responses of 4 tree species of successional subalpine coniferous forest serals to different light regimes 2009 ACTA ECOLOGICA SINICA
A novel method for floristic quality assessment using the vegetation of the Jiuding Mountain, Sichuan, China as an Example 2009 NORDIC JOURNAL OF BOTANY
Polystichum minutissimum sp. nov. (sect.Haplopolystichum, Dryopteridaceae): The smallest Polystichum found in a karst cave in China. 2009 Botanical Studies
Polystichum peishanii (sect.Haplopolystichum,Dryopteridaceae): A new fern species from limestone area in Guizhou, China. 2009 Botanical Studies