论文题目 通讯作者 发布年度 刊物名称
午夜悬崖偶遇 2014 动物奇迹
物种CSI——它们是谁? 2014 新发现·青少年版
Climate warming alters nitrogen dynamics and total non-structuralcarbohydrate accumulations of perennial herbs of distinctivefunctional groups during the plant senescence in autumn in an alpinemeadow of the Tibetan Plateau, China 2015 Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Effects of intercropping and Rhizobial inoculation on the ammoniaoxidizing microorganisms in rhizospheres of maize and faba bean plants 2014 Applied soil ecology
Nitrous oxide fluxes from three forest types of the tropical mountain rainforests on Hainan Island, China 2014 Atmospheric Environment
Contrasting Floristic Richness of Alpine Plant Communities on the Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau 2014 Botanica Pacifica
Eradicating invasive Spartina alterniflora with alien Sonneratia apetala and its implications for invasion controls 2014 Ecological Engineering
Spatial Pattern of Dissolved Organic Carbon and its Specific Ultraviolet Absorbance under Different Scales in a Wetland Complex on the Eastern Tibetan Plateau 2014 Ekoloji
Uptake and Recovery of Soil Nitrogen by Bryophytes and Vascular Plants in an Alpine Meadow 2014 Journal of Mountain Science
Unpalatable weed Stellera chamaejasme L. provides biotic refuges for neighbor species and conserves plant diversity in overgrazing alpine meadows of the Tibetan Plateau, China 2014 Journal of Mountain Science
Runoff and soil loss in a typical subtropical evergreen forest stricken by Wenchuan Earthquake: their relationships with rainfall, slope inclination and vegetation cover 2014 Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
Territorial ants depress plant growth through cascading non-trophic effects in an alpine meadow 2014 Oikos
Quantifying the impact of drought on soil-plant interactions:a seasonal analysis of biotic and abiotic controls of carbon and nutrient dynamics in high-altitudinal grasslands 2014 Plant and Soil
Effects of Warming on Chlorophyll Degradation and Carbohydrate Accumulation of Alpine Herbaceous Species during Plant Senescence on the Tibetan Plateau 2014 PLoS ONE
Relationship between Air Pollutants and Economic Development of the Provincial Capital Cities in China during the Past Decade 2014 PLoS ONE
Carbon dynamics of peatlands in China during the Holocene 2014 Quaternary Science Reviews
The carbon stock of alpine peatlands on the QinghaieTibetan Plateau during the Holocene and their future fate 2014 Quaternary Science Reviews
Effects of soil warming, rainfall reduction and water table level on CH4 emissions from the Zoige peatland in China 2014 Soil Biology & Biochemistry
Livelihood?diversification?as?an?adaptation?approach?to?change?in the pastoral Hindu-Kush Himalayan region 2014 JOURNAL OF MOUNTAIN SCIENCE
Domesticated?honey?bees?evolutionarily?reduce flower nectar volume in a Tibetan lotus 2014 ECOLOGY