Primula wolongensis (Primulaceae), a new species of the primrose from Sichuan, China |
鞠文彬,徐波 |
2023 |
PhytoKeys |
卧龙国家级自然保护区雪豹与牦牛活动的时空关系 |
岳颖 |
2023 |
应用与环境生物学报 |
Large-scale snake genome analyses provide insights into vertebrate development |
李家堂 |
2023 |
Cell |
Conservation priorities for global marine biodiversity across multiple dimensions |
Fuwen Wei |
2023 |
National Science Review |
The C: N: P stoichiometry in bryophytes: relationships with habitat, climate and growth form |
包维楷 |
2023 |
National Science Review |
Super-fast Charging Biohybrid Batteries through a Power-to- formate-to-bioelectricity Process by Combining Microbial Electrochemistry and CO2 Electrolysis |
Yong Jiang |
2023 |
Angewandte chemie-international edition |
Thermally insulating composite aerogel with both active absorption and passive insulation functions based on azobenzene-modified chitosan/oligomeric β-cyclodextrin |
张晟,李帮经 |
2023 |
Chemical Engineering Journal |
Enhanced selectivity in thin film composite membrane for CO2 capture through improvement to support layer |
李帮经,张晟 |
2023 |
Chemical Engineering Journal |
The inoculation of thermophilic heterotrophic nitrifiers improved the efficiency and reduced ammonia emission during sewage sludge composting |
2023 |
Chemical Engineering Journal |
Effect of HRT on nitrogen removal from low carbon source wastewater enhanced by slurry and its mechanism |
2023 |
Chemical Engineering Journal |
Nitrogen removal performances and metabolic mechanisms of denitrification systems using different volatile fatty acids as external carbon sources |
曹沁 |
2023 |
Chemical Engineering Journal |
The microbial and functional reconstruction of instable syntrophic propionate-oxidizing methanogenesis by system recovering and injection modes changing |
曹沁 |
2023 |
Chemical Engineering Journal |
Co-production of water-soluble humic acid fertilizer and crude cellulose from rice straw via urea assisted artificial humification under room temperature |
邓放 |
2023 |
Chemical Engineering Journal |
Higher impact resistance and lower antibiotic resistance genes proliferation rate in shortcut nitrification-denitrification process under long-term antibiotics selection pressure |
陈杨武 |
2023 |
Chemical Engineering Journal |
Synthesis of Chiral Sulfonimidoyl Chloride via Desymmetrizing Enantioselective Hydrolysis |
李光勋,唐卓 |
2023 |
Journal of the American Chemical Society |
Innovative electrochemical biosensor with nitrifying biofilm and nitrite oxidation signal for comprehensive toxicity detection in Tuojiang River |
占国强 |
2023 |
Water Research |
Genetic mapping and molecular mechanism behind color variation in the Asian vine snake |
李家堂 |
2023 |
Genome Biology |
Extraradical hyphae exhibit more plastic nutrient-acquisition strategies than roots under nitrogen enrichment in ectomycorrhiza-dominated forests |
张子良,尹华军 |
2023 |
Global Change Biology |
Gaps in mammal conservation in China: An analysis with a framework based on minimum area requirements |
戴强 |
2023 |
Global Change Biology |
pH-dependent changes in structural stabilities of Bt Cry1Ac toxin and contrasting model proteins following adsorption on montmorillonite |
Siobhan Staunton,Hervé Quiquampoix |
2023 |
Environmental Science & Technology |