Pleistocene glaciations, demographic expansion and subsequent isolation promoted morphological heterogeneity: A phylogeographic study of the alpine Rosa sericea complex (Rosaceae) |
2015 |
Scientific Reports |
基于 cpDNA 和 ITS 序列对庭藤复合群的居群遗传学研究 |
2015 |
植物科学学报 |
Sorbus dolichofoliolatus (Rosaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China |
2015 |
Phytotaxa |
One-pot synthesis of tetrahydro-4H-chromenes by supramolecular catalysis in water |
2015 |
RSC Advances |
Continuous variation supports accommodating Lilium habaense and L. xanthellum |
2015 |
Phytotaxa |
父爱浓浓的玻璃蛙 |
2015 |
大自然 |
孔雀为什么爱开屏 |
2015 |
大自然 |
蛙的求生秘籍 |
2015 |
大自然 |
Sexual competition and N supply interactively affect the dimorphism and competiveness of opposite sexes in Populus cathayana |
2015 |
Plant, Cell and Environment |
Development and characterization of a nanodendritic silver-based solid-phase extraction sorbent for selective enrichment of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in water and milk samples |
2015 |
Analytica Chimica Acta |
Partial shading of lateral branches affects growth, and foliage nitrogen- and water-use efficiencies in the conifer Cunninghamia lanceolata growing in a warm monsoon climate |
2015 |
Tree Physiology |
Artificial asymmetric warming reduces nectar yield in a Tibetan alpine species of Asteraceae |
2015 |
Annals of Botany |
Populus deltoides females are more selective in nitrogen assimilation than males under different nitrogen forms supply |
2015 |
Do shifts in soil Oribatida (Acari, Oribatida) give information on differences in fruit yield of Chinese star anise |
2015 |
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment |
Evaluation of Differences in MS/MS Spectra from Two Different-generation Q-TOF Instruments: Implications for Metabolomic Database Use |
2015 |
Current Pharmaceutical Analysis |
Crop dominance exerts specific effects on foliage-dwelling |
2015 |
Agricultural and Forest Entomology |
Higher photosynthetic capacity and different functional trait scaling relationships in erect bryophytes compared with prostrate species |
2015 |
Oecologia |
Lespedeza hengduanshanensis comb. , stat. nov. (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae: Desmodieae) from the Hengduan Mountains of SW China |
2015 |
Phytotaxa |
New insights into leaf and fine-root trait relationships: implications of resource acquisition among 23 xerophytic woody species |
2015 |
Ecology and Evolution |
Non-structural carbohydrate levels of three co-occurring understory plants and their responses to forest thinning by gap creation in a dense pine plantation |
2015 |
Journal of Forestry Research |