论文题目 通讯作者 发布年度 刊物名称
Understorey fine root mass and morphology in the litter and upper soil layers of three Chinese subtropical forests 2016 plant and soil
Ethnomedicines and anti-parasitic activities of Pakistani medicinal plants against Plasmodia and Leishmania parasites 2016 Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials
中国土壤动物多样性监测专项网建设: 探知土壤中的奥秘 2016 生物多样性
不同栽培模式对生姜大田土壤酶活性及土壤养分的动态影响 2016 北方园艺
China’s ecosystems: Overlooked species 2016 Science
Frogs as potential biological control agents in the rice fields of Chitwan, Nepal 2016 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
Transcriptome profiles of metamorphosis in the ornamented pygmy frog Microhyla fissipes clarify the functions of thyroid hormone receptors in metamorphosis 2016 Scientific Reports
中国两栖动物受威胁现状评估 2016 生物多样性
Copper-Catalyzed Addition of Alkylboranes to Iminoacetates:Access to a-Alkyl Branched a-Amino Acids 2016 Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis
The complete mitochondrial genome of Microhyla butleri (Amphibia, Anura, Microhylidae) 2016 Mitochondrial DNA Part B
Responses of peat carbon at different depths to simulated warming and oxidizing 2016 Science of the Total Environment
Analysis of the rumen bacteria and methanogenic archaea of yak (Bos grunniens) steers grazing on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau 2016 Livestock Science
Archaeal communities in the sediments of different mangrove stands at Dongzhaigang, China 2016 Journal of Soils and Sediments
Dioxide Fluxes from Three Forest Types of the Tropical Montane Rainforest onHainan Island, China 2016 Water Air Soil Pollution
Methane uptake in semiarid farmland subjected to different mulching and nitrogen fertilization regimes 2016 Biol Fertil Soils
Multiple afforestation programs accelerate the greenness in the 'Three North' region of China from 1982 to 2013 2016 Ecological Indicators
Short-Term vs. Long-Term Effects of Understory Removal on Nitrogen and Mobile Carbohydrates in Overstory Trees 2016 Forests
Climate-driven increase of natural wetland methane emissions offset by human-induced wetland reduction in China over the past three decades 2016 Scientific RepoRts
Response of labile organic C and N pools to plastic film removal from semiarid farmland soil 2016 Soil Use and Management
三江平原泥炭地过去10 ka泥炭储量与碳储量的模型估算 2016 应用与环境生物学报