论文题目 通讯作者 发布年度 刊物名称
Efficient strategy for employing HN-AD bacterium enhanced biofilter reactors to remove NH3 and reduce secondary pollution Zhiying Yan, 2024 Journal of Hazardous Materials
OsCSLD4 confers salt–alkali tolerance by regulating gene expressions in photosynthesis and carbohydrate biosynthesis pathways, cell wall hemicellulose accumulation and physio-biochemical adaptability in rice Hui Li 2024 Plant Stress
Chlorella Vulgaris-Inspired Versatile Theranostic Nanoparticles for Specific Recognition and Detoxification to Copper (II) In Vitro and In Vivo Bang-Jing Li 2024 Advanced Functional Materials
Extramatrical mycelial biomass is mediated by fine root mass and ectomycorrhizal fungal community composition across tree species Chunying Yin 2024 Science of the Total Environment
Genome Resequencing for Autotetraploid Rice and Its Closest Relatives Reveals Abundant Variation and High Potential in Rice Breeding Shengbin Tu 2024 International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Carbon type and quantity regulate soil free-living nitrogen fixation through restructuring diazotrophic community Jipeng Wang 2024 Applied Soil Ecology
Combined application of organic and chemical fertilizers improved the catechins and flavonoids biosynthesis involved in tea quality Chunying Yin 2024 Scientia Horticulturae
Environmental factors drive latitudinal patterns of fine-root architectures of 96 xerophytic species in the dry valleys of southwest China Fanglan Li 2024 cience of the Total Environment
Environmental aridity and rooting depth driving latitudinal pattern of biomass allocation fractions in root systems of 63 shrub species in dry valleys Fanglan Li 2024 Ecology and Evolution
Context-dependent effects of thermal acclimation on physiological correlates of animal personality in Asiatic toads Jingfeng Chen 2024 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Habitat-specific conservation priorities of multidimensional diversity patterns of amphibians in China effectively contribute to the ‘3030’ target 廖梓延 2023 Science of The Total Environment
Fire effects on soil carbon cycling pools in forest ecosystems: A global meta?analysi 罗鹏 2023 Science of the Total Environment
Contrasting responses of microbial diversity and community structure in decaying root bark and xylem to N addition in an alpine shrubland 赵文强 2023 Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Pd-catalyzed asymmetric carbonyl alkynylation: Synthesis of axialchiral ynones 2023 Chinese Chemical Letters
Size matters either way: Differently-sized microplastics affect amphibian host and symbiotic microbiota discriminately 朱未 2023 Environmental Pollution
Fecal fermentation behavior and immunomodulatory activity of arabinoxylan from wheat bran 李甫 2023 International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
Molecular insights into substrate promiscuity of CotA laccase catalyzing lignin-phenol derivatives 谢天 2023 International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
An innovative bilayer solid carbon source for tertiary denitrification Synthesis, performance, and microbial diversity analysis 谢翼飞 2023 Journal of Water Process Engineering
Corn cob as a carbon source in ecological treatment of farmland runoff: Pollutant removal performance, effluent dissolved organic matter and microbial community structure 谢翼飞 2023 Journal of Water Process Engineering
Inferring single- and multi-species distributional aggregation using quadrat sampling Tsung-Jen Shen,陈有华 2023 Ecological Indicators